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April 2nd 1985

"No, no fishing". John groaned as Ally tried to drag him out of the bed. I stood in the doorway, coffee in my hands. I wasn't sure what that was night but the nausea was here and there.

"Fishing is last, it's the river right now". Ally wined.

"I'm asleep". John groaned again.

Ally let go of his arm and stood next to me. "Use your charm and get him out of bed." She spoke.

"I'm charmed out. That's why he's still asleep". I giggled.

"Jonny. Pretty please with cherries on top come to the lake with us". Ally pouted.

John turned to look at her from under the pillow. "Well, if you put it that way". He said and rolled over, covering his face with the blanket.

Ally groaned and stomped out of the room as John chuckled. "Is she gone"? He asked.


He flung the blanket off of him and sat up, rubbing his face. I walked over and handed him the cup of coffee. He took a sip and leaned over to give me a kiss.

In the sunlight you can really see his cigar burn scars and I kissed the one on his shoulder. "Do you see why I don't want to go to the lake". He sighed.

I nodded. "I don't think they would mind if you wore a shirt. The water will be cold anyways". I mentioned.

He nodded and stood up, his boxers hanging low. I bit my lip as he stretched, his back muscles flexing. He was so handsome. I got up and walked behind him, using my hands to trace his shoulders and down his back.

"Dont start something now". He spoke and turned around. "I'm not going". He added.

I reached down and grabbed him over his boxers, causing him to hiss in pleasure. I reached my hand in and grabbed him, moving my hand slowly down himself.

"You will get into that lake water and you will enjoy it. You planned this remember". I said and moved my hand faster.

He leaned his head against mine as I pleasured him. "And if you're a good boy, you can get an award afterwards". I whispered and stroked him faster until he was at his release.

"You're so fucked now". He said and removed my hand from inside of his boxers.

I reached over and grabbed the coffee and walked out to everyone.

"Well"? Ally asked.

"He said he would go". I smiled and sat down.

"You're the only one here he listens to". Claire said.

"I have my ways". I smiled and we waited for him to come out of the bedroom.


"This blows". John said from the boat. Ally ended up lying to him. We did go fishing first.

"Will you smile, this is awesome"! Brian yelled over.

John wouldn't let me on the boat unless I had a life vest on so now I sat here pouting and uncomfortable. He sat there with a white tshirt on and swim trunks, a cigarette hanging between his lips. I kept close to the side as the waves made me sick again.

"Its so beautiful out here". Claire smiled as she took a sip of her mixed drink.

"It is. I'm happy I get to spend it with you guys". Andrew smiled and pulled Ally to his side.

"You're looking pale again". Ally spoke as she touched my face.

"Sea sick". I sighed.

"I heard the stomach flu was going around. Maybe you have it". Claire spoke. "Here, take a sip". She spoke and handed me her drink.

"If she's throwing up, don't give her alchohol dipshit". John said and grabbed the drink.

He sat down next to me and rubbed my thigh. I gave him a smile and took a deep breath. "If I don't look at the water I feel okay". I said.

"Then where are you looking, we're surrounded by it"? Claire asked.

I grabbed John's hand and kissed it. "I stare at John". I mumbled.

"Well we can head back now, it looks like it's going to rain". Andy said and got behind the wheel of the boat.


"Its a fire, you throw a match on wood how hard can it be"? Brian asked as stacked the wood in a triangle.

John rolled his eyes and took a hit of the cigarette watching Brian struggle. "You a boy scout to"? John asked.

"Since seventh grade. I have over a hundred patches"  Brian spoke proudly. "Were you a boyscout"? He added

"Does it look like I was a boyscout"? John sighed.

Brian put his head down and continued the fire building. I shivered as the wind blew around me. He better get the fire started soon.

"Its getting cold Brian, pick up the pace". Andrew sighed as he put another blanket over Allys shoulders.

"I'm trying. The wind keeps blowing the match out". He sighed.

John got up and walked over to the cabin and walked back over.

"Move". He spoke and poured something in the pit then throwing a match. Soon the fire ignited.

"Ah fire"! John yelled.

"I had it you know". Brian said and sat down on the bench.

John pulled me closer to him and my stomach was in shambles. I quickly got up and threw up in the back. I groaned out and wiped my mouth.

"Here come with me". Ally whispered and pulled me to her inside of her cabin.

"I might have something". She said and opened her bag.

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. When Ally walked back over to me she sighed.

"Dont ask questions, just please". She said and handed me a box.

"Pregnancy test"? I asked.

She didn't say anything.

"Why do you have a Pregnancy test in your bag"? I asked.

"When John had to use the bathroom at that 7/11, I grabbed one. You threw up five different times today". She sighed

I looked down at the box and my heart jumped. I can't be, I just can't. John uses protection. My face fell after I thought about the one time but he pulled out, I swear of it.

"I'll stay with you, just go take it". Ally whispered and pulled me to my feet and walked me into the bathroom.

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