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February 14th 1985

Monday morning came faster then I hoped. John didn't stay again night. If I fall asleep he leaves. I don't blame him though. I sat at the table eating my breakfast with Brian and Andrew.

"So can the student council help the debate club make posters"? Brian asked Andrew.

Andrew swolled his pancakes quickly and nodded.

"Can you chew with your mouth shut". I laughed.

I panicked when someone behind me covered my eyes. "Okay, you have to guess. It's the person you constantly think about"? I heard John say.

"Um. Ally"? I joked and he let go of my eyes, kissing the back of my neck.

"How did you know"? He joked back.

I looked infront of me to a single red rose and my heart fluttered. I turned to John who had a sarcastic smile on his lips and I lightly pushed him. "Thank you". I said and pecked his lips.

Andrew stood up when Ally walked over, pulling a rose out from the booth. She gave him a smile and a quick hug.

"Wow. Thanks guys". Brian said as John took my rose and handed it to him. We all laughed.

"So valentines day date ideas go". Andrew smiled and placed his arm around Ally as she sat down. John slid in my side of the booth, purposely pushing me to the wall.

"Movie"? Ally suggested.

I smiled. "Perfect".

"Yes. Sitting in a dark movie theater with butter stains on the seats and a hard on. That's perfect". John sighed and pulled me closer to him.

"Well you can't see a hard on in the dark". Ally smiled and John gave her a high-five.

"Anybody talk to queenie"? Andrew asked

I shook my head, same with John. "Shes here today. She's walking around with Jason". John said and looked at Andy and taking some of Brians fries.

As if right in que Claire and Jason entered the cafeteria, sitting a booth from us. I turned to look at her and she kept her head down. I nudged Bender out of the way and walked to her table

"Claire"? I asked.

She looked up at me and gave me a smile. "What do you want freak"? Jason asked.

I bit the inside of my cheek and faced Claire again. "Can we talk"? I asked.

"She doesn't want to talk. Go back to the hole you crawled out from." Jason interacted again.

"Listen, I can see why you're all pissy because coach has you wearing that shit but this is between Claire and I". I said. Wow. John does rub off on people.

Jason stood up. Towering over me but John was quicker. He stood infront of me as I brought my stare over to the red head. She was looking at me.

"What seems to be the problem jackass"? John asked.

"Tell your little side piece to back off. Claire isn't interested in your weird crowd you have going on". Jason said. "You're one of them". He said pointing to me, his finger close to my face.

"Hey, that finger gets any closer I'm ripping it off". John hissed.

"Guys". Andrew spoke up as he helped Bender.

"Sit down trader. You don't deserve to talk to us". Jason spoke to Andy.

"Claire". I begged behind John.

She went to stand up but Jason stopped her. "Baby, stay there". He spoke and turned to me.

I was peaking out from under John's arm at this point. Take you and your weird ass friends and leave the cafeteria. You're all a bunch of freaks". He said, pointing at me again.

"So good with your words". Ally sassed as she was now involved.

"Oh bite me will you". Jason spoke.

I crawled out from John's arm and was now face to face with Jason. "Just tell me where sweets". I smirked


John held my waist as I stood on my tip toes. "Freak". he snapped. "You're lucky your boyfriend is here. I'd have to save you a toilet like I do for your friend Brian." Jason smirked.

"Threatening won't get you far". John said and stepped closer. "You're pushing it".

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it". He said, poking John hard in the chest.

"Watch it". John hissed.

"Claire this is your last chance. Come with me or forget about everything". I tried to reconnect, do something but she kept her head down.

"Listen. I don't know what lesbian fantasy you have but she's not intrigued". Jason said and kept his stance on me.

"Lose the tough guy act will you, it's getting old". I spat.

"Lose the attitude bitch". Jason mocked as he knelt down to get to eye level with me. The next thing I new I spit in his face.

"You fucking bitch"! He yelled and went to swing but John caught his arm. Slamming him into the table and punching him across the face. Andrew pushed the other guy who tried to intervien.

"Kylie"! Claire yelled and stood up.

"Your fucking loss". I hissed and was grabbed back by one of Andrew's friends. John's hands still wrapped around Jason's throat.

"Break it up! All of you!" Vernon yelled.

When he seen who was involved he rolled his eyes. "All of you, let's go. My office"! He yelled.

John let go of Jason and pulled me with him, flicking off Claire as we passed. "You are one fucking tease sweets." He whispered in my ear.

I turned to see Andy, Ally and Brian walking with us. We made it into Vernon's office and he slammed the door.

"Wasn't one Saturday enough. It's bad that you live there". He said pointing to John. "But you four. This is by far the worst thing you can do"!

Ally nodded as Andrew gave him a quiet "yes". Brian had his arms crossed, clearly pissed he got brought into this.

"What is wrong with all of you"? Vernon asked, actually concerned.

"Were sticking up for one another. Our friendship means more to us then anything. I would like to have something after i leave here." Andrew spoke softy.

"You won't have anything left if you keep acting up. Do you want to end up in jail"! Vernon yelled.

"If it means sticking with these guys then yeah. When you grow up, your heart dies and im not ready for that". She added.

Bender, who was still heated crossed his arms. "Who cares"? He bluntly spoke.

"I do". Ally whispered. Wiping the single tear from her dark eyes.

Mr. Vernon sighed, ripping up the slips for detention.

"I'm not giving any of you a slip". Vernon spoke.

"What"? Andrew asked.

Vernon sighed and sat down.

"I seen it all. I understand how it is to have a friend. Please girls, don't make this a habit. Bender and these two are no role models and I can't afford to give the school money to fix the things you all break. So I'm not giving you a slip, I'm giving you all a warning". He sighed.

"Thanks Dick, I mean Rich". Bender smirked.

"I'm am giving you all an early release though. Ive had enough of you. Go home, come back better tomorrow". He said and sighed five release slips.

We all walked out but I stuck my head back in. "Thank you Principal Vernon". I smiled.

He shooed me away and I was pulled to the lockers by John.

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