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March 18th 1985

The next morning was tough. I wasn't feeling to good and decided to stay home. After calling John at 5AM he insisted that he came over. I didn't want him to miss school. After my sneezing episode I finally made it to the bathroom to shower. It was already 6 and I just wanted some warmth. I turned the shower on and stopped quickly, stepping in and standing there.

"Sweets"? John called out.

"I'll be out in a minute"! I yelled over the running water.

As if right on que he walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet bowl lid. "This can't wait. Guess what I just found out". He was like a little kid when it came to drama.

"What John? What did you possibly find out at six in the morning". I coughed.

"Brain writes poetry". He laughed.

I pulled the curtain back a bit to peak out. "And"?

"Guess who likes poetry". He smiled.

"Ah any female who wants swept off her feet"?

"No you sick silly goose, Amanda Livermore in my biology class. She called me last night and asked for notes". He laughed his sinister laugh. "And I told her Brian had them. Well long story short she said she loved his poetry".

I rolled my eyes and shut the curtain. "That's nice, but what about Claire"? I asked.

"Well clearly red doesn't see him the way she thought she did. Why else would she be making plans so much. This way if we get a cherry and a cherry together I won't have to be around him".

I applied shampoo and shook my head. "John, you need to make sure this is the real deal before just bursting into it".

The curtains flew open to a now half naked John. "That's the thing. I have it all planned out. When I go to school tomorrow I'll get it all fixed up". He said and took off his pants.

"Privacy please". I laughed and shut the curtain only for him to open it again. "If its something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it". And he got into the shower.

"I'm to sick for this". I wined and he covered my mouth.

"I'm just showering. After the shower is when I'll need a little bit of something". He chuckled.


Sick days are supposed to be used as a relax and get better. Not when you're dating John Bender. He decided to make smoothies at 7, blast music at 8 and talk loud until 9. I laid on the couch, covered up and was shaking. Stupid flu.

"Okay, you're gonna be surprised but I made you food". He smiled as he walked in wearing my mom's apron. I giggled at the sight and sat up, only to groan and sigh.

"I don't think I can eat". I mumbled.

"What hurts sweets"? He asked.

"My throat, my back and my legs". I sighed.

"Well then Grandma Benders chicken noodle will help you". He said and helped me stand up.

"You made soup. Like from a can"? I forced a laugh.

"Ha ha, no. When I was little and spent the weekend at my grandma's house she would make me this everytime I was sick". He said and sat me at the table.

For the tough guy personality played alot he was a very sweet guy. He grabbed a spoon and sat across from me, trying to feed me.

"John I got it". I laughed.

"I'm bored. If I don't do something I'll explode. Let me laugh a little". He groaned and I gave in.

"Dont you mean live a little"? I asked.

"No. I meant laugh. I'm finding this very comical". He sarcastically spoke and picked up the spoon.

"Here comes the train, choo choo". He smiked and I sipped the broth.

"John this is pretty good". I smiled and he gave me another spofull.

"Anything for my sweets". He smiled and handed me the spoon.

"Whats your grandma like"? I asked.

His genuine smile made my heart flutter. Once it faded I knew that it's going to be a past tense response.

"I was fourteen when she passed, she had COPD. I would spend almost every weekend there growing up, sometimes she would tell my parents that she was coming to get me so I ouls just live there for weeks. When she got sick i helped her around. She taught me how to make the soup for her. I kinda miss being able to help out, she justt got sick to fast. She was the simple, little old lady with a big heart". He smiled

"I'm sorry". I whispered. Poor John. His comfort person isn't around anymore. He needed to feel wanted, that's why he's helping me.

"Not you're fault. I'm actually talking about her which is good for me". He smiled and stood up. "Its been a while since I've done that".

Once I finished eating he cleaned up my bowl and I stood up. I felt woozy so I sat back down. I didn't want him to think I couldn't keep care of myself, but i also wanted to have him do everything so he felt needed. When he walked back in he saw the look on my face and crossed his arms.

"Do you need help"?

I shook my head and tried again, but he caught me before my legs gave out. "Do you have a thermometer"? He asked.

I pointed to the medical box on top of the fridge as he walked me to the couch. When he came back over he blew on the thermometer.

"Okay, bend over". He joked.

I opened my mouth. He placed it under my tounge and we waited quietly.

"I'm jealous. Thats one lucky thermometer". He spoke and once it beeped he took it out.

"103.2, that's it young lady. You will have no fun with your handsome boyfriend tonight. Let's get you upstairs". He smiled and helped me back up off the couch.

We made it slowly up the steps and he helped me into bed. I was still cold so he let me wear his sweatshirt, then laid down next to me and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't want you getting sick". I whispered.

"I don't want you to go into shock from the fever. I'm sorry but if it gets any worse I'm taking you to the doctor".

My heart melted. I wasn't sure if it was the flu talking or maybe he put something in the soup but I started crying.

"Oh don't cry sweets, they will use the thermometer correctly I promise". That comment making us both laugh.

"You'll be okay. But why are you crying"? He asked and kissed my forehead

"Because. You. I just love you so much. Thank you for taking care of me". I smiled.

"In sickness and in health".

"That's for marriage babe". I laughed.

"I know, just practicing".

I looked up at him now. "That's the second married joke you pulled in 24 hours. What are you getting at"? I asked.

He leant down and placed a kiss on my lips, his warm hand sitting around my neck.

"You do have a fever. How about a nap"? He questioned and laughed, pulling me closer to him.

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