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February 28th 1985

I twirled the necklace between my fingers as the teacher wrote down the homework for the night. I peaked over to Ally who doodled on her history book, making speech bubbles next to the pictures. The bell rang for the end of the day and I couldn't have been more excited. I gathered my things and Ally stopped at my desk.

"I'm going to fail this class either way". She sighed.

"Why don't you have Brian help you study"? I recommend and she nodded.

"I can do that. I'll have to ask him."

We made it down the hall and I spotted Claire and John standing by my locker. His facial expression made me giggle as he looked annoyed from her talking.

"And I said to her that it didn't match and she said she didn't care. How can you not care if your socks match". She asked John. I arrived at the perfect time.

"That was some story Claire. I bet if I had a vagina I would have cared more". John sighed.

She rolled her eyes and gave me a smile. "You are looking at your new prom queen". She giggled.

I nodded. "They voted already"? I asked. I handed John my bag so I could take off my sweatshirt.

"Yeah, nobody else was nominated, so I won". Her cocktail attitude annoying me a bit now.

I lifted the sweatshirt up only for John to pull it down quickly. I was stuck. "John". I wined and he tried to help me.

"You pulled it up and your shirt came with it. Now its stuck on your earrings". He joked and tried to fix it.

"Okay ow". I winced.

"Sweets I don't know what to tell you". He laughed and tried to pull at it again.

"Hey guys". I heard Brian. "Stuck"? He asked.

"Pretty much". I chuckled and John finally got it unstuck. I pulled the sweater off and he patted my hair down.

"There she is. Okay let's go". He said and grabbed my hand.

As we walked out of the school and over to the parking lot John lit up a cigarette. "You guys hear that Jason got detention again. He pushed Andrew in the locker room and Andy hit his head off the lockers. He was sent home by the nurse". Brian said as he threw his things in the backseat of John's car. John groaned as the fact of taking him home.

"I'm on my way to see him. I'll tell him you all said hi". Ally smiled and walked over to the pick up lane.

"What a prick. You know he needs kicked out". Claire spoke.

"Yeah, horrible, get in the car". John groaned.

"What's your problem"? Brian asked and climbed in the back.

"I spend every waking hour of my life here with you two constantly up my ass. I wanna go". He said and flicked the cigarette out of the window.

He grabbed my hand as he pulled out of the parking lot and kissed my knuckles.

"John, can you take me to the comic book store on eleventh Street? I wanna pick up the new copy of spiderman". Brian smiled.

John bit his tongue, only nodding. Something was up with him and I needed to know. A few minutes later he pulled up and parked the car infront of the comic book store.

"Wanna come in"? Brian asked.

"Get out"! John blurted.

Brian crawled out and John looked at Claire from the mirror. "You too". He added

"Couldn't you have said please"? She asked and he shook his head. Once they left I turned to him.

"What's wrong"? I asked.

"All I have been thinking about all day is you. I need some sort of relief here I'm dying". He groaned.

My eyes traveled to his jeans then back to his eyes as he nodded. "Oh". I whispered.

Part of me felt relieved that he was feeling this way, the other shy part of me felt embarrassed. I giggled and turned to look out the window.

"You ever hear of the phrase "blue balls"? He asked using air quotes.

"I get it". I laughed and he shook his head.

"I don't think you do. Understand this sweets. If I don't get any sort of release in the next hour, I'm leaving them here and taking you home". He said and grabbed my face, pushing his lips on mine.

I giggled into the kiss as he bit my lower lip, pulling me to him. "Nope, they have thirty minutes". He spoke.

"You can't just give them an hour then switch it". I laughed.

"The hard on says otherwise". He smirked and leaned back over to his side.

"Other then blue balls, how was your day sweetheart"? I laughed.

"It was amazing sugarplum. Got myself in trouble, like always but no detention this time". He sighed and leaned back to shut his eyes. Now we wait for dumb and dumber.


Once John dropped them off he drove to my house. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the car.

"You're parents inside"? He asked.

I nodded. "Sadly. Wanna come in"? I asked.

"Hell. Why not"? He spoke and got out.

When I walked inside he traveled behind me, his hands guiding my waist into the living room.

"Honey were home". He chuckled.

I hit his hand as my dad walked in. "Hey kids. I'm just about to put a movie on. Wanna join"? He asked.

"Actually dad. John isn't staying long. He just wanted to come in and say hi". I smiled.

John seemed confused at one point but just ignored it. He walked into the kitchen, said hi to my mom and I walked him out to the porch.

"I get it. Don't want me here". He fake pouted.

"Just get your ass up to my room in ten minutes. I lied eariler, I understand what your going through". I smirked and wrapped my arms around him.

"Sweets, what have I done to you". He chuckled and kissed me one more time before he practically ran to his car.

I got inside and decided to find something to do for the next ten minutes. The antagonizing pain soon to end.

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