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February 11th 1985

A week had passed since my Saturday business. I stood at my locker, placing my things in, taking things out just to be shoved into it. I turned to see Ally and Andrew smiling.

"You coming to Brians banquet thing tonight"? Andrew asked and picked at a sticker that Bender put inside my locker.

"Yeah, did you know it's a dress up occasion? I have nothing. I'm going to have to run out to the mall after school". I said and shut my locker.

"Oh no need, you are just my size. I have some stuff". Claire smiled, holding a fashion magazine as she walked up to us.

"Your idea of fashion is showing skin and covering the rest in makeup". I laughed.

"Hey, it's called fashion". She smirked and leant against the locker.

"Bender get back here"! We all turned our heads to see John walking down the hall as Vernon tried to get him back into his office. That's another Saturday.

"I'm kinda busy dick"! He yelled back, coming to me and picking me up. He placed his lips on mine and slowly put me back on the ground.

"Bender"! Vernon yelled again.

"He's ruining my street cred". He sighed and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You coming tonight"? Andrew asked John and he laughed.

"Yeah everywhere". He joked. Still perverted.

"I mean to the banquet". Andrew sighed.

"Will there be food at this function"? He asked and pulled me into his side.

"Yeah. What time you want us to get you"? Claire asked.

John put his finger to his lips and pretended to think. "I'll be at Kylies at six, now please. You guys are going to get me in trouble". He smirked and kissed me again, other kids whistle around us. Once he pulled away he walked back to Vernon who already started yelling.


I pulled at the black dress Claire gave me. It was low cut, short and to much for my liking. I stood at the full length mirror and sighed. I did feel pretty, but I also felt like it was to much. I turned around to grab my earrings, only to have the shit scared out of me when I see John standing on the balcony. I walked over to the door and opened it, smacking his arm.

"Dont do that. I have a front door". I said and turned back to the mirror.

"If I used the front door how would I be able to see you change out of all three dresses"? He asked and laid back onto my bed.

"You watched me change"? I asked.

"Absolutely not. I'm not a pervert. I did like the black and silver one though." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my mascara. From the mirror I noticed John's attire. He wore a simple black dress shirt and black jeans, with his black boots, a red bandana tied around the left one. His hair was messy but damn did he look good.

"You keep checking me out we won't make it to the party". He smiled.

I bit the inside of my cheek and applied the mascara. When I was done I turned to him. "Well"? I asked.

He stood up from my bed and slowly walked over to me. Crouching down in front of me and pulled my face to his.

"Well what? You don't need the compliment sweets. You already see that you are the most beautiful thing in this world". He whispered.

"Really"? I smiled.

He nodded, bringing his lips to mine once more. Things started to heat up as his hand roamed up the hem of the dress and made it to my inner thigh. "This is a little revealing isn't it"? He asked, his finger tapping the spot where he wanted it.

I gasped. Causing him to move my legs apart. "Yeah, not sure if Brian will be able to contain himself with you in this". He smirked and gave me another kiss.

"Wow is it hot in here"! Ally giggled as she walked into my room and fanning herself.

John removed his hand from under my dress and stood up. "Thanks Allyson". He groaned and walked out of my room, Allyson pushing him as he walked past her.

"You guys are something else". She smiled and gave me a nod. "You look beautiful"!

"Thank you. I'm guessing that if your here then we're ready to go"? I asked and she nodded.

I grabbed my small purse from behind the door and shut my light out. I made it downstairs to see John and Andrew talking.

"Claire"? I asked.

"She said she would meet us. I talked to her last night". Ally whispered.

"Kylie, you look wonderful". Andrew spoke and kissed my hand.

"Hey sporto. That's my hand". John smirked and walked us out to Andrew's car.

Ally sat in the front with Andrew, Bender and I sat in the back. The whole car ride consisted of John acting all crazy and touchy. At one point he leaned over and tried to take my bra off.

"Okay we are here. John act right". Andrew spoke and John smacked the back of his head.

"I need a smoke first." He said and got out. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out from his pocket and lit one up quickly. 

"Where is Claire"? Andrew asked and I shrugged.

"She said to meet her at the entrance". Ally spoke but we all had a feeling something was wrong. John took a hit of his cigarette and then pulled me into him so my back was against him.

"Once a bitch, always a bitch". John whispered and took one last hit before throwing the cigarette to the ground.

"Let's hope not". Andrew spoke as we all walked through the main doors of the Hilton hotel.


I grabbed a glass of punch as I stood with Ally at the snack table. Brian and the physics class just got their award so John took him and Andrew outside to smoke.

"I can't believe Claire. She didn't show up". Ally said and took a sip of her drink.

I shrugged my shoulders. We all knew this was going to happen. She will always be the bitch.

"I really thought we all hit it off towards the end of detention. I mean for fuck sake I can't even get Andrew to kiss me good night, let alone have him hold my hand. You're already getting finger banged".

I choked on punch as I shook my head. "What you walked in on wasn't even close. He messes around". I stated.

"His hand was up your dress. Unless he lost something, there is nothing expected from your response other then yes Ally, he finger banged me". She laughed.

I hit her arm as the guys came back in, Brian high as a kite.

"Let's go to my house for food. This shit sucks". He laughed.

John wrapped his arms around my waist, and his chin on my shoulder. "Queenie isn't here"? He asked me.

I shook my head and he nodded. He knew what was going on, more then any of us.

"Let's get loaded". John spoke to the group but Ally shook her head. "Let's go relax. I need a drink".

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