Chapter 7: Brother and sister

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Chapter 7: Brother and sister

Bern stood up, his hands clenched, his face flushed with anger.

"Ethan!" he shouted in anger.

He casts a punch, while I could only stare at him without knowing what to do. I could hit him earlier because he let his guard down since I attacked him suddenly, but if we fight one on one fairly I would lose. He understands how to fight well, whereas me? I only know how to fight from TV or manga and have never learned martial arts.

I gritted my teeth preparing to take his punch.

'I'm dead meat!'

But something strange happened, I could see his movements clearly as if he was moving in slow motion. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, I dodged aside at the last moment before his fist landed on my face. He looked surprised, not to think I could avoid his punch. He staggered to the point of falling and turned towards me with an angry face.

While I immediately grasped my situation. 'Looks like because I've turned into a demon, my senses are sharper than a normal human.' I returned my gaze to Bern with a determined look.

' Observation.'

[Observation skill succeeded.]

[Name: Bern Fullhorn]

[Age: 18]

[Level 3 ]

[Race: Human]

[HP: 70/100]

[MP: 23/23]

I noticed his level is higher than mine but, his HP is much smaller. I clenched my hands.

'I can win this.'

He threw his kick at me, as before I could see his movements clearly. I did not dodge but brushed off his kick with my hand. When his feet clashed with my hands, I thought it would feel heavy, but it wasn't that bad. It feels similar to returning a volleyball serve.

After that, I swept my kick on his leg and he fell.

[You have hit a human for 15 HP.]

'Yes! I did it!' I shouted happily internally. When he was Celia's boyfriend, he used to mock my thin body, he even often said I was a weak man.

He got up again and charged on me, trying to crash into me. I turned to avoid him, catching one of his hands and turning it back.

[You have hit a human for 5 HP.]

I tightened my grip. "Argggg !!" he screamed in pain.

[You have hit a human for 8 HP.]

Although his hand was not broken I was sure at least he sprained.

"Go now or I'll call the police!" I snapped.

He gave me a displeased look as he struggled several times trying to get away, but I didn't budge and kept holding his hand without any difficulty. As if I was just holding back a sulking child.

His expression turned shocked when he realized the difference in our strength. I released my grip when I was sure he didn't want to continue our fight. He fixed his clothes while looking at me sharply.

"Tsk! I'll forgive you today!" Then he walked out with shuffling steps.

'What an asshole! I'm the one who clearly forgives you. '

An announcement reappeared before my eyes.


[The enemy has escaped.]

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