Chapter 16: Complicated

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Chapter 16: Complicated

The next day, the time showed 02.00 PM when I stepped out of the classroom with the other students. After last night's incident I thought Celia's attitude would change, but when I met her again this morning she was still as cold as usual. Well, it can't be said completely as usual since she made my sandwich today. I also covered yesterday's hickey with a bandage so no one would find out. They all thought I was a pathetic single, if suddenly there was a hickey on that pathetic single's shoulder, I would definitely be everyone's topic of conversation.

Larry walked up beside me.

"You're really pathetic," he complained.

"Are those words of thanks from someone who just copied my assignment?"

"Hey, my assignment and my complaint are different things. You know after you ran away yesterday there was a man who made a scene with Emma. Just imagine if you are the one who approached her. Maybe you are that lucky person. Are you not jealous of him?"

"What do I need to jealous for?" I'm sure the man that Larry meant was Damian.

He clicked his tongue.

"You just need to say hello, that's your first step."

"I told-" My words and my feet stopped as I realized Emma and her friends were walking in the opposite direction to us. I turned and walked the other way to avoid her.

Larry immediately noticed it and chased after me.

"Ethan, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like a puberty teenager?"

"I told you our status is too different." I was deliberately avoiding Emma, I remember the system gave me a quest after I looked at her. I don't want to do weird quests like yesterday, especially doing that perverted things.

"You just need to say hello. Is it that hard ?!" he was getting annoyed with my attitude.

"Just forget it." Rather than say hello, I want to control myself and the only way that comes to my mind right now is to avoid her. At least until I can understand how to control this system better.

He grabbed my shoulder and looked at me in seriousness. While I only reply with a flat gaze, without enthusiasm.

"Yesterday that man even hugged Emma in public! He dared to go that far while you ran away like a coward!" Larry's tone was fiery like a motivator trying to reviving a dying person.

Hug her? I even squeezed her breast yesterday and I'm not interested in doing it again.

"If only he hadn't been bothered by that crazy bodyguard they might have been dating now!" he continued.

"Ethan, can we talk for a minute?" A woman's voice interrupts our unuseful scene.

We turned to the origin of the voice and saw Olivia approaching us. Yep ... Looks like Larry's voice has summoned what he called 'that crazy bodyguard'. We paused for a moment while giving her an awkward smile, hoping she hadn't noticed our conversation earlier. There is no man in our college who is not afraid of her. Her fierce and protective attitude towards Emma was not baseless at all. Olivia's body is not big but she is one of the martial artists who often win medals for our college. If Emma looks like a goddess of saviour, Olivia looks like a goddess of death who is ready to take all men's lives who try to approach Emma.

Seeing both of us just dumbfounded like fools, she asked again.

"Ethan, do you have time? Can we talk for a minute?"

Without hesitation, Larry pushed me toward her.

"Of course, he has time to talk to you. Ahahaha ... Isn't that right, Ethan?" he said while accompanied by his awkward laughter.

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