Chapter 30: The show must go on(18+)

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Chapter 30: The show must go on(18+)

[Warning! The stimulant effect has started.]

As soon as the announcement appeared in front of me, my adrenaline rose, my mating urge increased dramatically, my heartbeat fast and my breath turned heavier against the lust that struck my mind. But I remained calm because from Mia's incident I was able to conclude that I could neutralize the stimulant with my dispel skill but I postponed it until her tentacles released me since I didn't want to increase her suspicions.

"Nggghh ..." a moan slipped from my mouth as I held back my flaming desire. My face is getting red and my body feels hot.

"Alright, we will begin the test." Her tentacles moved to release me. I restrained my lust desperately until her last tentacle left my body.


[Dispel skill succeeded.]

[The stimulant effect has been neutralized.]

Slowly, I began to calm down as I began to be able to control the desire within me.

"It seems you are different from the others," Diamond said, stepping in front of me.

I raised my head to look at her curiously at her words.

"Than the others?" I am still breathing heavily due to the stimulant's effect.

She gave me a condescending chuckle as she leaned her hips on the side of the desk, her hands folded in front of her breast. Her eyes glued on me.

"Ethan, what makes you think you are so special that only you who get this treatment from me?"

My eyes widened. Although I tried to remain calm, but I could not hide my shock from my face. Since it means that students who were expelled from college after being called to this room also received the same treatment as me. They are all trapped!

My anger replaced my mating desire. Many people try desperately to get into this college, they study hard and sacrifice their savings in hope that with a good education their future will also be better. But Diamond --- she destroyed their dreams with her selfishness.

I lowered my head trying to cover up my anger that began to appear on my face.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I want to find my perfect gentleman," she answered lightly.

"Perfect gentleman?" I tried to remain calm even though my anger had reached the top of my head. What nonsense is that ?! Looking for a gentleman by giving men stimulants ?! Is she crazy ?!

"Yes, I want a good man, who can maintain his attitude under any circumstances. Even if he is drunk or aroused."

"You don't even budge when the others immediately try to **** me as soon as I release them," she said again.

I remained silent, I was thinking of using my manipulation skills and getting out of here without making any problems. But her words had made me change my mind. I decided to take back the students' rights who had been taken by her. I will make her apologize and ask them to go back to college.

"Tsk!" After clicking her tongue in annoyance since I didn't give her any respond. She grabbed my chin impatiently and raised it to face her.

"If someone talks to you should reply to them!"

Our eyes met each other, an evil smirk had graced my lips while my expression remained calm. She looked at me with a confused look.


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