1: A Pirate's Life for Me

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The sound of cannon fire rang deafeningly clear awakening Skylar and Andrew with a start. They had been laying unconsciously on a sandy beach with the hot wind blowing above of them.

Andrew sat up abruptly taking in what was happening while Skylar tried to cover her ears under the illusion she was in bed. Andrew's eyes widened in disbelief and stared speechless in awe of what was there before him.

A wide range of water laid out right at their feet as it lapped up to them and sitting in the water, with full canvas drawn, was a giant pirate squabbling battleship. It flew no colors except for the recognizable pirate flag with a grinning white skull and it's cannons peppered the shore with fire.

Astounded Andrew knew of nothing to say or do until he glanced down to his left where he saw Skylar lying there. He shook her rapidly hoping he was dreaming like her and she woke up with a groan. When Skylar's eyes fluttered open they too widened like Andrew's but just at the sight of him and she sat up quickly having them hit heads. Andrew winced rubbing his forehead and Skylar yelped scooting away from him.

"Where am I?" She asked rubbing her eyes as she scanned the shoreline, half awake. Skylar shot awake as the ashes rained down on them from a cannonball landing not too far away from them. Her gaze ended on Andrew but she didn't have time to respond as a loud noise escalated above her.

"Look out!" Andrew yelled, now standing. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her out of the way as an explosion erupted where she had been sitting moments ago. It blew up mounds of sand in the process.

"Strike your colors you blooming cockroaches!" A voice rang out from the black ship. "Do you fancy a swim with Davy Jones?"

More canon fire rained on the beach and both of them barely managed to scramble out of the way of each one.

The voice that had come from the ship was someone both Andrew and Skylar knew unmistakably but they could not bring themselves to believe who it was. The explosions came one after the other that soon enough one would hit them.

"We have to move up shore." Andrew hollered over the noise and pointed up hill of sand. He offered a hand to Skylar but she just looked at it cautiously. She was afraid he was the one that had kidnapped her and taken her here. After all he was the last thing she had seen before everything had gone dark at the hub. Another cannonball blew up right next to her and she hastened up the dunes of sand alongside Andrew.

In his mind as they ran for their lives, Andrew grew suspicious of Skylar yet she had been asleep next to him unaware and confused as well.

They finally made it to the top of the sand hill, out of range and out of breath. Sitting down on the sand perplexed, both caught their breath.

"You. You brought me here." Skylar breathed.

"No, I thought you brought me here." Andrew responded still winded.

She shook her head in response. "Do you know where we are?" She asked.

"No, but I swear- that man on the ship- he's-" Andrew stuttered not believing what he was about to say.

"Barbossa." Skylar finished "From Pirates in the Caribbean."

"Yeah how'd you-?"

" I know everything there is to know about Disney by heart." Skylar informed him.

"So do I." Was all he said.

"Is this a dream?" She wondered aloud still amazed by their surroundings. "Did I faint at the hub?"

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