7: Thunder Mountain

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They arrived in partial darkness. They would have to wait until morning which meant for Skylar and Andrew that they would be spending their first night here somewhere at the bottom of Thunder Mountain.

Among all the snakes and cactus it wasn't the most luxurious of places to sleep but somehow they made it through the night.

The sun was just rising over the mountain when early in the morning when a loud holler echoed out over the canyon. Covered in red dust, Skylar raised her head to catch a glimpse of Pecos Bill at the tip of a cliff calling out something she couldn't make out.

"What is he doing?" Andrew asked irritated from being woke up at the crack of dawn.

"I don't know but it's best if we don't question anything in this world, none of it ever makes sense." Skylar scoffed, edgy from the lack of sleep.

"Well we have to head up the mountain anyway. Why not start now?" He quipped back, trying to brush off the dirt.

"Fine." She sighed then yawned. Skylar picked up the bag and began to walk.

"I didn't mean literally!" He called after her but she pretended not to hear. Andrew gave up, went after her.

The sun was slightly above the mountains by the time they had made it over the first mountain. Pecos Bill had left them a while ago in search of another tornado to lasso. As they got to the highest point of  first hill it let down into a gorge.

Down in the gorge was only a train, nothing else but that. It sat on a wooden track deserted but they knew better. Having no other choice they boarded the train in the third car down from the engine and cranked the safety car down.

As soon as they did that a voice let out from somewhere they could not place. "This here's the wildest ride in the wilderness." The train jolted to a start and began to glide along the track.

Skylar and Andrew were sat closely next to each other but both were against with padded sides of the car (trying to be as far apart as possible).

This train was slow at first but it began to speed up. The train whistle let out two loud blows and the train sped into a dark cave. It was dark for a moment then a faint glow let them see a little bit.

Bats swooped around them, screeching and blinking their beady eyes. The train began to take a steep incline and they moved past the bats.

Half way up the hill they entered into Rainbow Caverns. Colorful minerals pools swirled around in the bottom of the cavern. On the ceiling white icicle-looking stalactites dripped silently.

The train kept ticking up the track slowly and as they neared the top  it became lighter. The train leveled out at the top and as they finally broke outside the train plummeted down.

They knew the rest of this ride was to be rough. The sharp twists, turns and drops had them slamming into each other as the car swiveled them around violently. The ride was going as usual, even the normal explosion at the end was nothing dangerous.

It came to the last drop where the giant T-Rex skeleton usually lay implanted in the wall but it was not there. The train traveled to the same place it started but it did not stop.

The two pulled up on the bar but it didn't lift up at all. The ground began to shake and a roar explained the missing skeleton. It was gaining on them quickly but they were unable to do much.

They entered the cave and it did not follow but as soon as they were out it found them. Talking in the fast going train with the wind whipping around them was almost impossible so Skylar tried to figure out something on her own.

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