26:No Strings Attached

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Walking down the small cobblestone street the smell of fresh baked bread wafted through the air, making them turn to look back at a small bakery. There were many quaint little shops along the old street. All worn looking and many earth colored, the buildings had so much character. Intricate architectural designs up their walls added to the effect.

Skylar and Andrew strolled down the street basically window shopping. Cheery Italian music was being played somewhere nearby and there were gelato shops on almost every corner. There were few townspeople but they were here and there going about their business. Among them were school children, all romping to the school house in uniform.

The children had a surplus of energy and were excited, despite their destination. Each carried shiny new books of literature and mathematics, also there was the occasional apple to present to their teacher. Some skipped or sang a happy tune, ready for the first day of learning.

Naturally, the two teenagers followed them, close behind a group of rowdy boys. Everyone began to hear a weird little clunking noise, it happening to a rhythm, two at a time. Clunk clunk, clunk clunk, clunk clunk. It almost was like a piece of wood being hit on something over and over again to the beat of their steps. It actually was a piece of wood, and that piece of wood was taking steps on the cobblestone road.

This little piece of wood had a name, Pinocchio, and it, now a he, had been carved into a puppet. He, like all the children, was bursting with energy and looked very eager to get to school, walking quickly with his wooden feet that made a strange noise against the ground.

The children stared, perplexed at the alive puppet. The two older children, although they'd object to being called children, were not fazed by Pinocchio's appearance , although Andrew was somewhere else in his mind anyway. It was expected that the puppet would be in his own ride and it was already known by the teens that their path was wherever Pinocchio went.

Lagging behind the regular crowd of children, the puppet enthusiastically was going to school as well. Andrew and Skylar followed slowly, so as not to leave him but not seem suspicious either. Out of the blue, a stocky cat and a tall fox stepped in front of Pinocchio, blocking his path. The wooden boy stopped and was easily persuaded to not go to school and instead enjoy and join a puppet show.

In the opposite direction the school children were headed, the two teenagers followed Pinocchio, who was lead by the questionable cat and fox, down a street. They all soon arrived at show which was being performed out of a caravan in the town's courtyard. A banner that hung over their heads said "Stromboli's Puppet Theatre."

Skylar felt queasy reading the puppet master's name, knowing it meant trouble. Andrew still wasn't really paying attention to any of the input from his eyes that his brain processed. He was thinking, really still back in Snow White's ride.

Red curtains drew back and revealed a small stage and a poorly painted background. Music began to play and two puppets dropped down, these ones with strings. The puppets danced to the music, their strings getting tangled more than once. Whoever was controlling them was doing a poor job but the alive puppet, Pinocchio was thrilled at the sight of them. The two animals who had lead him to this dark theatre had left, and he slipped into the crowd of the audience, his followers losing him.

"Now what?" Skylar sighed as the crowd clapped. "Andrew?"

"Yeah?" He snapped to attention for a second.

"Okay, what is with you?"

With a collective gasp from the people looking at the puppet show the whole theatre went dark, and all the street lamps seemed to be blow out too.

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