4: A hundred acre woods "Windsday"

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The train sped away in another blur of colors. Andrew and Skylar were already tired from their endeavors so far. Skylar had fallen asleep on the bench almost immediately while Andrew stayed wide awake but still exhausted.

He watched Skylar's chest slowly rise and fall silently. She was such a quiet sleeper Andrew was surprised. He just was watching her because he thought she looked cute while sleeping.

Having no idea where they were going he just waited patiently. Wherever they were headed Andrew knew probably would be life-risking in some way and he dreaded waking Skylar up to tell her when they did get there.

The train then stopped but was still in a blur of colors, they hadn't arrived anywhere. Skylar's eyes fluttered open as Andrew still was looking at her. She sat up sleepily.

"Were you watching me?" She asked groggily and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"What? No I was just uh--" Andrew looked away from her. He cleared his throat awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Just making sure you were okay." He finished.

"Why did we stop?" Skylar said not picking up on his weird response. She looked around at their surroundings and noticed the same weird blur of colors that the train was inside.

"I don't know, we just did." He said as puzzled as she was.

When neither of them talked it was very quiet no sound at all. No wind rustling by, no slow chugging of the train, no nothing.

Skylar then got up and stuck her finger in all the colors outside. To her it felt like a gooey silly puddy or something but it was solid sure enough. Not even trying to do anything else with it she sat back down.

"I guess the train is just waiting for directions." Skylar concluded not knowing what else to say.

"Do you want to go anywhere? I mean we have to eventually." Andrew said knowing what they had to do to get out.

"Actually, no." Skylar announced and Andrew was taken back by her answer.
"Why don't we take a round trip?" He gave her a confused look. "You know like just ride around for a while." She explained.

"I know what it is, but why?" He asked still unclear.

"Just because." She shrugged. "Take a round trip." Skykar told the train and then sighed. "I just want to take a break from all the--"

"Madness? Craziness? Things you still don't believe even though you saw it with your own two eyes?" Andrew guessed.

"Something like that." She said deep in thought.

"Well in that case, I agree. The stuff we've seen lately is a little hard to take in." He agreed with some relief.

"So, I've been going to Disneyland since I was really small. What about you?"

"Well, I've been going since I was really young too, like maybe since one and a half or something." He shrugged.

"I love the park." She sighed happily. "It's my home away from home and it's just-- great."

Skylar was no longer looking at him so Andrew took this opportunity to smirk at her. She was so down to earth and mellow, at least when they weren't in life-threatening situations.

"Yeah, its magical." He chuckled, then added. "Literally, I mean look where we are."

"I've noticed, this place is amazing. I still can't believe it." Skylar said cheerfully and Andrew nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey are you hungry?" She asked out of the blue.

"Why? How would we get food here?"

"I discovered this new feature with the bag a little while ago. It makes food!" She said getting excited about it.

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