24: Pixie Dust

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There weren't any stars to guide them through the snowy blizzard. The sky and everything surrounding them was white, only white.

They couldn't even see what their hands clung to, the only thing that enabled them to not plummet out of the sky.

Andrew felt it would be redundant to yell again that this was a bad idea, also it made no difference now, but he held deep animosity toward the imagineers you came up with Tinkerbell flying off the Matterhorn. His hatred for the lederhosen was rising as well, which made him jaded toward the magic that allegedly was helping them.

Both knew their whole situation was immutable, being in the Happiest Place on Earth was not something controllable. Their hope was that playing by the rules the place would allow them to leave, but in the back of their heads they knew nothing was guaranteed.

The man scoffed and muttered to himself. "Look where they're headed next. Insufferable boy, with his fairy friends and mermaids. She'll buy right into it, should have told her not to..... Tech! Where are you?"

"It's Fred--"

The man looked at Fred.

"Sir." Fred finished quickly.

"Is there any way to make her avoid contact with the flying green twit?"


"For God's sake, Peter Pan!" The man yelled.

"I can only affect them, the place is untouchable, it does what it wants." The tech said timidly, recoiling back.

"I don't care if you affect them just make that boy leave her alone."

"The girl?"

"Skylar, yes."

"I don't have that within my power. The characters have their own free will."

"They may have free will but you don't."

Fred was quiet, he couldn't do anything; they didn't have that much power over the place and it was all foreign to him. They had told him it was all a video game just a video game that they need help programming but he knew it wasn't a game. These were real people, somewhere... somewhere different.

The sudden cessation of the whirling snow and wind took them by surprise. Andrew and Skylar found their feet on hard ground and slowly let go of Tinkerbell's flying line hookup, hoping the floor under them wouldn't dissolve.

The snow disappearing revealed to them their location.

It was a bedroom, a nursery but for young children not babies. There were three empty beds with rosewood plaid blankets. The walls were a dark red with white stripes and the floor was wooden. Alphabet blocks, among other toys, were scattered around the room waiting to be played with again but no one was around.

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