25: Snow White

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"I used to be so scared of the evil queen in the window when I was little." Skylar said, looking up at the tower's glass window that had dark plum curtains pulled in front of them.

In Disneyland, above the entrance to Snow White's Scary Adventures, was a tall window that the Evil Queen would peek out through and glare down menacing at the crowds. It was just an Audio-Animatronic of course, but to a little kid who happened to look up, she was spooky.

"Really?" Andrew replied, looking up briefly from the ground.

"Yeah. I uh--" She laughed to herself. "had her locked up, you could say."

Andrew gave her a quizzical look.

"I don't remember exactly but a cast member friend of mine turned it off for one day. Told me she was locked up and wouldn't bother me again."

"A cast member friend huh?"

"Well when you're there all the time you see the same cm's, and eventually make friends."

"That's true." He responded shortly.

The queen hadn't shown her face, and Skylar was secretly relieved.

They passed under the tower where a book lay open, up on a podium. It looked as if King Midas had touched it for the whole book was solid gold. Etched on the two pages it was open to were words, a warning about an apple. An apple happened to be sitting right next to the book and it was also solid gold. It was very shiny and shimmered brightly, looking good enough to bite. Very tempting, despite it being metal, Skylar felt the need to touch it at least.

Like a siren song it called to her, beckoning her with the smallest gentle voice. It didn't command, just asked politely; suggesting an interesting notion. If she were to touch the apple, even the slightest, the loveliest thing would happen; what specifically she had no idea but she desired to deeply.

"It's beautiful." She breathed softly.

Andrew was about to enter into the attraction when he turned back toward her and saw what she was practically ogling.

"Skylar don't." He said harshly.

"It won't do any harm to just touch it, now will it?" She said dazedly in a trance.

"I suppose not." Andrew answered suddenly, drawing close to it.

The apple's surface glinted roguishly, as if taunting them, daring them.

With Andrew newly infatuated, he was further from the apple, and much to his abhorrence Skylar reached it first, clutching the top of the golden fruit with her hand.

Rising up from the apple was the disembodied voice of the Evil Queen, cackling maniacally.  The sinister laughter grew louder, echoing off nonexistent walls. It shook them up and broke the spell. They did not want to bite the apple, let alone touch it.

Skylar backed way from it and they rushed through a large wooden door into a stone hallway. The eldritch, screeching laughter chased them as they hastened through the long stone corridor.

The hall was extremely long, in a castle it would be, but this one went on for a very long time. Skylar was being  reminded of Haunted Mansion way too much.

Trying ever so desperately to escape the Queen's voice, they ran as fast as possible. The castle walls began to blur, the stones turning dark, turning green. The walls dissolved, the floor was gone; in it's place, dirt. Around them, trees, dark, gnarled, sickly trees.

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