14: Tiki room

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Sometimes he hated how pragmatic Skylar was but this was just quixotic.

Jumping into a waterfall had never seemed like a good idea to him, especially after Splash Mountain and Winnie the Pooh.

So currently, they were plummeting towards the water where they'd probably be smashed on impact if they didn't pass out from the high winds.

Andrew didn't understand how they were ever justified to make a decision to jump off a cliff, they were thrown off things frequently enough.

The water grew closer, the wind whistled in their ears but the roar of the water almost deafened out everything else.

Two seconds and they would make a splash. The noise enveloped them and before they could hit the surface the two squeezed their eyes shut.

Everything went quiet and there was no liquid surrounding them.

Instead they felt a hard surface under them like they were laying on a concrete slab and in fact they kind of were.

Andrew raised his head disoriented and opened his eyes to see that he had been prostrate in front of the Partners statue.

Skylar was already standing but seemed a little fazed as well.

"What were you thinking?!" The Walt statue snapped, dislodging his metal feet from the ground. "I think I can say you weren't!"

"You didn't exactly tell us how to get out of there." Skylar replied drily.

"Well, what you did wasn't a bright idea."

Andrew got off the floor by this point and sauntered over to them lethargically. "I suggested we ride the cat."

Walt studied them carefully. "Maybe I was incorrect in assuming that you two should be here."

Now they were wide awake.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Skykar said defensively.

The time spent in this place had been dangerous and all together perilous but it had grown on them. They felt it their responsible, their thing (to put it simply), to protect and save the park.

Now realizing that being here could be taken away so easily put them both on edge.

On the other hand, they wanted desperately to escape the place that was always risking their lives and very existence.

It was odd for them to be so strongly indecisive about this but apparently this place was changing them, bit by bit.

The statue straightened up and looked down on them like a school teacher. "You were chosen mostly for your knowledge of Disneyland but now I see that when it comes to serious matters, you think you can just jump off something!"

"We had no idea how to get out of there." Andrew restated boldly, after the the metal figure had practically screamed at them.

"Well next time, figure it out! As you know the trains are now down and it was very tricky to get it here in the first place."

His last sentence caught their attention, something about the way he worded it was just strange.

"And what are we supposed to do?" Skylar responded now that he had calmed down.

Stuck in the Happiest Place on EarthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ