23: Matterhorn

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The Matterhorn Mountain was taken over by the large amount of snow that weighed down on the giant rock and the storm was just bringing more. With piercing wind and freezing snowfall conditions at the top; it was very unpleasant to be up there. It also made talking nearly impossible.

"Have I ever mention how much I don't like heights?" Andrew hollered over the raging wind and sleet.

"No!" Skylar yelled back, glancing at his petrified expression. "Relax, this is nothing compared to the real Alps!"

"You've climbed the mountains in Switzerland?" He strained his voice so even he could hear it himself.

"Just once!" She shrugged, analyzing a route down the mountain.


Andrew was interrupted by a monstrous roar that resonated from inside the mountain. It surrounded them on that desolate cliff coming from every direction through the thick sleet.

They both stood up there as the storm whipped around angrily. Neither wanted to be up there but were forced to by the fearsome creature that now roared once more. This was the abominable snowman's turf and it was not happy they were trespassing.

Skylar in winter clothes not nearly warm enough for this weather and Andrew in a white collared shirt and a lederhosen were very perplexed at the top of the mountain. The only way they saw to leave was scaling down the mountain and that was not an easy thing to do, even with Skylar's experience with mountain climbing.

If only they'd not been led up to the top. They had tried at first to head down but the monster had stopped them at every turn.

Did they dare jump? It'd worked before, at Tarzan's tree, but the statue was not something they'd like to put any trust in at this point.

It's not like they could talk about a plan either.

They were only about 9 attractions away from getting home and they had to.

Some how they had to...

But they couldn't  help wondering, as most people do when they find themselves in a regrettable situation, was all this inevitable? Could they have done something different, one little action perhaps, to change the outcome of it all?




Through the exit tunnel of Small World Andrew and Skylar swam and not discovering any type of code or message to transport them, the Happiest Place on Earth took charge. In a blur of Fantasyland's bright colors they were taken to the next Fantasyland ride of its choice, the Matterhorn.

What made this particular choice was a mystery. They wanted to believe it was just chosen at random by forces of magic but maybe it wasn't.

Either way they ended up on the snowy mountain modeled after one in the Alps in Switzerland, well in it actually. In two different places they appeared by themselves.

Skylar was suddenly dressed in thick clothing meant for snow and Andrew found himself looking like a yodeler with his green lederhosen. These strange choices they had no say in supported the idea of someone else deciding for them but they had no time to think of that now.

Skylar had materialized in pitch blackness with no indicator to her location except for the freezing cold. She found her hands in warm mittens and a wool scarf around her neck. Just from her hot breath alone she could tell that if it were light she'd see her breath swirl in the frosty air.

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