12: Why did it have to be snakes?

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"The temple of the forbidden eye." Andrew said in awe as the ruins of this massive temple loomed ahead of them.

"Want to read the directions?" Skylar suggested as they hiked up to the entrance.

"Why not? They can't leave us any more lost than we are already." He remarked and Skylar began to scan the packet of papers.

"Number one, don't look into the eyes of Mara." She read aloud.

"Go figure." He commented.

"Two, beware of snakes." Skylar said in an annoyed tone. "Maybe we should stop reading these. Number three, Mr. Bones leads the way out."

"Those are either inescapably clear or make no sense what so ever." Andrew sighed as she folded away the papers.

They had reached the ruins and inside was dimly lit by some old burning gas lamps. They walked through the long hallways, walls and floor cracked about in several areas. Disassembled boobytraps were among the temple but the two avoided the remnants carefully.

They entered a series of tunnels lined with bat guano. Wind whistled through the tunnels and the faint sound of someone mining was all that they heard. They walked in silence through the tunnels then walked out into a larger room but there was minimal to see with.

The only thing they could see were three doors, large enough for a car to go through, set before them.

"The Chamber of Destiny." Andrew breathed at they stared in awe at the sparkling doors, each one was different.

There lay a decision for them. Each door had a different gift presented by Mara.

The door on the far right was the Fountain of Eternal Youth colored in a faint blue, depicted the special liquid flowing from a vase above the doors. It was said that who ever drank the holy water would be forever young.

In the middle was the Chamber of Earthly Riches colored in a bright gold color, treasure and coins were carved into the door. Unimaginable treasure and fortune was assumed to be waiting for them behind that door.

Lastly, the third of the far left was the Observatory of the Future colored a faint purple, had large eyes staring right at them. What was behind this door was uncertain but it somehow gave you a glimpse into the future.

All three doors glistened before them.

"Which one?" Skylar said quietly staring at the choice before them.

"I don't think it matters, you know what happens." Andrew replied, thinking about Mara awaiting them behind the giant set of doors.

"All right then, let's go to--- the fountain of youth." She decided hastily and stepped up to the door.

"Feeling old?" He laughed at her decision.

"No, but you never know when that kind of water could come in handy." Skylar shrugged as Andrew joined her side.

"You have chosen." Boomed a voice and the Fountain of Youth door lit up in front of them.

The door went dark and it moved open slowly. Illuminated by blue light the roomed glowed and a tall slope going up was what they started to climb. All along the walls were paintings of beings drinking the water and becoming young again.

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