9 (part 1) : Tom Sawyer's Island

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"Ding!" The cell phone rang loudly in  the bag.

"This just in, more bad news." Skylar said studying the new text message from the cell phone.

"What?" Andrew said annoyed not wanting more bad news on top of every thing else.

"This one isn't our fault but Star Wars is taking over." She said grimly.

"Oh yeah Star Wars land, I'm so excited for it! What's the matter with that?" Andrew asked, puzzled.

"Star Wars land is cutting off half of the Rivers of America and getting rid of the Indian village. The place we were just at!" Skylar said, mad at him for not knowing this.

"Oh, Star Wars land. I can't believe they would get rid of such old things like the Indians. The Mark Twain is one the original rides and Walt himself paid for it." He said, realizing just how big an impact this was.

"They change the park more and more every day. New is not always better." She sighed putting the phone anyway.

"Try telling that to the millions of Star Wars fans, it is pretty cool."

She scowled at him. "We are trying to tell them! And I don't need you to convince too!"

"This is going to be a hard job." Andrew sighed and Skylar nodded silently.

"So you think Tom Sawyer's Island is going to be more pirates?" She asked after a while.

"I'm not sure, it's a little bit of everything. We'll just have to see now won't we?" He shrugged pushing the oar through the water.

They kept paddling towards a nearby island. By the looks of it it seemed small, but they never knew what to expect. Eventually they got close and the canoe began to slide into the sand. It shored up on a sandy bank and they got out.

They left the oars in the canoe with a wooden thud and hiked up the mounds of sand. This was much like their very first ride together and both remembered it in a different way.

As they reached the top a wooden mill came into view. The wheel spun wildly turning water and spilling it back into the Rivers of America.

"This is Harper's Mill, isn't it?" Skylar wondered aloud.

"Or what used to be. It's now Lafitte's Tavern." Andrew said in disgust.

"Oh yeah, they re-modeled it in 2007. Re-modeled it fit..." She paused not wanting to say it.

"To fit the Pirates movies." Andrew finished.

"You were right more pirates." Skylar said with a sickening feeling.

"And over there, that's a blacksmith?" She exclaimed not remembering this building since, she hadn't been to the island in quite a while.

They walked up the the small building off to their right.

"Indeed it is, William Turner's in fact." He said, staring at the swinging wooden sign.

"Great, just what we need."

"William Turner is a good guy remember? Maybe he can help us." He replied trying to be optimistic.

"How so?" Skylar said skeptically.

"Let's go find out." Andrew said walking up to the blacksmith and creaking open the wooden door.

This large wooden room appeared empty as they stepped in. It was William Turner's Blacksmith alright. A lit stone stove flickered with the flame of heated metal. A giant wooden turnstile rotated slowly with various weapons and tools hanging from it. A dusty brown donkey powered this turnstile as it clomped slowly in a circle.

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