6: The Wild West

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Skylar's laughter sounded so exquisite. She had a gentle, soft laugh that showed her pristine white teeth and Andrew just marveled by her.

"What?" She said taking a notice that he was staring at her.

"Nothing! Nothing." He tried to blow off. "Anyways, so do you have any siblings?" He inquired.

"No, I'm an only child. It can get kind of lonely though." Skylar set her eyes downcast just thinking of this.

"That's not so bad." He tried to make her feel better. "I have two siblings, one older brother and one younger. They can be really annoying and so your kind of lucky in a way."

"Yeah, I guess." she spoke quietly.

They had been getting to know the basics about each other the past few minutes. Learning about the person they were stuck with gave they a well deserved break from all the unbelievable things they'd seen and both were becoming more relaxed.

The train was traveling to the next land. Now that they were done with New Orleans and Critter Country they were headed for Frontier Land.

The peculiar IPhone that Skylar had discovered on Splash Mountain had showed them a glimpse of the real Disneyland and something told them it would only get worse.

"Anyways, what do you think Frontier land will be like?" Skylar inquired.

"Mostly dirt, tumbleweeds, and ... us." Andrew shrugged.

It most definitely was not.

The train stopped abruptly and a whole town was in view. The thing was, everything was black and white.

They stepped off the train and into a different world. Horse buggies bustled through the dirt while people also walked around in their old fashion clothes.

Shops lined the street on both sides. With most buildings made of wood and with no color it was hard to identify one building from another.  At the beginning of town was a huge wooden fort with long beams supporting it.

The fort closed off the front of the one street town and it was supplied well. Lots of ammo were at the ready in case of an attack and several various flags were being flown in front.
The sign read "Frontier Land" and it was guarded well.

"Hey you circus folk aren't expected until next week." An angry looking guy in a tux and that had a striped ribbon that read "Mayor" pinned to his shirt approached them.

"Oh we're not from the circus." Andrew plainly said as if it was obvious.

"Now you listen here and tell your Ringmaster to wait another week. I'm the Mayor of this town and my word is the law." He yelled at them catching others attention.

"Yes sir, um Mr. Mayor sir." Skylar quickly said.

"Alright then git go'ng." He waved them off.

"Wow what was his problem?" Andrew said as they hurried in the opposite direction of the Mayor.

"Apparently they're not fond of circus people and our clothes kind of look weird here I guess." She explained.

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