18: Lightspeed to Space!

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People say to never run, that it only makes the situation worse. For example, with a bear, it would only give him more incentive to chase a person if they instigate him by running. On the other hand, it's a possibility to outrun him (or your friend next to you).

To point out, Andrew and Skylar hadn't been chased by bears, yet. Br'er Bear, Winnie the Pooh and the Country Jamboree Band weren't any threat to them even though their habitats were. Still, running was the choice they opted to do without saying anything verbal between the two of them.

Stormtroopers meant trouble, as everything often did where they were. That, anyone could conclude.

The heavy stomping of the soldier's feet became louder as more joined their group.

Low blue light illuminated through the gridded wall of the hallway they were all rushing down. Above, Andrew got a glimpse of a directory sign.  "To Gates A, B, C, D." it read with an arrow pointed the way they were headed. Below was also a translation in a language that was not recognizable.

Out into a humongous space, the pair skidded to a stop to avoid colliding with a funny looking droid that was pushing a type of hotel cart piled with luggage. One look behind them and they rushed around him.

They were in an airport, of sorts, which transported aliens and humans to all parts of the galaxy. Although, most ships went just on tourist trips and there was rarely an important purpose to any of these starspeeders.

Andrew and Skylar dived into a large throng of people and other beings, in hopes that they would loose their pursuers but no so luck was in store for them today.

As soon as people caught sight of the soldiers, most scampered out of the way, making it easy for the stormtroopers to cut through the crowd them.  The soldiers were gaining on them, while the teens still had to fight through the bevy of people.

Over all the bedlam C-3PO's voice was heard by Skylar and Andrew. "I just received word that the captain is having some sort of technical difficulty." R2-D2 beeped in response.

"This way." Skylar shouted in a whisper.

Both ducked their heads as they scurried toward the direction of the two droids. They heard behind them as people parted way for the feared men of Darth Vader to chase them.

Finally, there was a clearing, right in front of the orange ship they were looking for. By the looks of it, C-3PO was already onboard, ready to 'accidently' fly the starspeeder out of the bay and into an adventure. Andrew swung the door open without a moment's hesitation and Skylar followed close behind.

They sat down in the middle of the first row of seats, clicking on a seatbelt because they knew there was bound to be turbulence.

A small screen to the right flickered on and C-3PO was seen sitting at the controls. Someone announced over a speaker that they were ready for take-off but C-3PO fervently told them they were not, clearly saying that the captain was not onboard. He repeated that he was not the captain but nothing he said was making a difference.

A thin wall went down and now the pair could see the whole view in front of the starspeeder and C-3PO at the controls, now nonplussed because of the situation. He yelled "Wait!" at the screen as the ship rose to a hover and moved slowly toward the door that lead out to space. 

Before the starspeeder could get there however, hundreds of stormtroopers poured out from both sides and blocked their path. Then Darth Vader himself flew before them, floating on a platform.

"Halt." He commanded in a most terrifyingly deep voice. "Prepare to be boarded. We know you have this rebel spy aboard your vessel."

On the screen to the right a million people's photos flashed until it stopped at one, which so happened to be Andrew's.

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