11 (part 2) : Jingle Cruise

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"What happens in Jingle Cruise exactly?" Skylar asked suddenly.

"Well it's only been a holiday edition for the 2 years now but didn't it have something to do with missing cargo?" Andrew answered trying to recall the story.

"That's right! All the holiday things were shipped out but the plane crashed sending everything all over the jungle." She burst out, remembering most of the background.

"They also sent out a safari group to looking for the missing cargo." He added.

"That's probably where we come in." Skylar thought aloud. She hoped this was the case.

The train stopped and they were at the jungle cruise, specifically the... Hangar. A plane was being loaded up with all the Christmas goods for the season. This including garland, bows, packages and fruitcake with everything else holiday related you could think of.

Zero flew out of the train and around the people who couldn't see that he was there. This made the two children wonder if they were invisible too, so they stepped out of the train and over to the stack of boxes yet to be shipped.

"Here. Load this one on." A man with a camo-Santa hat, shoved a large box into the kid's hands.

They carried the heavy box labeled 'candy canes'  on to the plane. The plane had a very deep cargo space that was almost full. They set the large box on the floor and pushed it to the back of the plane.

It was almost completely dark but a dim glow came from the hatch that was open on the side of the plane, far away from them.

"Are we ready to go Jeff?" A man's voice came.

"All set." Said another guy.

There came a creaking because the hatch door was being closed shut! Skylar and Andrew rushed for the hatch, tripping and falling over the boxes.

The hatch shut with a bang and it was pitch black. Someone hit the plane twice as if to say 'go' and the plane's engine was roared to a start.

Andrew and Skylar stumbled over the cargo calling out for someone to stop the plane. Andrew reached a wall of the plane and pounded on the metal but nothing could be heard over the loud propellers.

The plane began to roll and everything shifted back, pinning the two people against the wall. It picked up speed and then the plane took flight into the air.

Cargo also took flight and flew into the back wall of the plane. Crawling blind, the two tried to make their way up by feeling around. the plane dipped forward and everything shifted with it.

Skylark got slammed into the right wall and Andrew ended up somewhere in the tinsel. Luckily enough most of these boxes were not incredibly dangerous, most of them.

Skylar felt around the smooth cold metal wall and searched for anything to grasp onto. She finally something and grabbed onto it as the plane swiveled left. The thing she had grabbed fell towards her, it was a lever.

The lever clicked and the hatch in front of her opened. Skylar let go of the handle and crashed into the left side of the plane on purpose.

The hatch swung back and forth wildly, leaving the free fall to the jungle floor wide open. The plane leveled and Andrew scrambled over to her on his knees.

Stuck in the Happiest Place on Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن