8: The Rivers of America

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Skylar leaned her head on the warm, wooden railing and watched peacefully as the water lapped at the sides of the boat.

Andrew watched her silently from afar, wondering what was in store for them now. He was about to call out to her when the Mark Twain's whistle blew out.

He saw Skylar jump, startled by the sudden loud noise. He felt sorry for her and considering all they had been through so far, Andrew felt somewhat bonded to her.

"Secure all cargo, all passengers aboard! Bowman cast off bow lines. Engine room, ahead one quarter." Called out a recording of a captain.

Andrew walked across the slick deck and over to Skylar. "Hey." He said quietly.

"Hey." She mumbled not lifting her head.

"You know," he said pulling up a chair next to her. "We didn't even read the directions for Thunder Mountain." Andrew smiled trying to lift her spirits.

"They never help anyway." She replied glumly.

Andrew sighed and dug in the bag for the packet of papers.

"Number one, Indian Territory Ahead!" He read from the section under Mark Twain. "I see what you mean." Andrew remarked putting the papers back into the bag.

"We're embarking on a steam-powered journey along the Rivers of America. On our trip, we'll visit the magnificent Columbia in the great Northwest, the powerful Potomac in the mid-Atlantic, and the rugged Rio Grande along the border of Texas and Mexico. We'll hear the voices of the pioneers, the native peoples, and a mischievous character or two, telling the unique stories and legends of life along America's great rivers. We begin our trip on the mighty Mississippi, headin' south, and ending up down in New Orleans." The recording played on for a while longer then stopped.

"Come on." Andrew spoke, standing up.

Skylar followed him silently as he went up stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked as they arrived on the third floor.

"To the pilot house."

"What, so we can steer?" She quipped.


He swung open the door of the pilot house and stepped up into it. Skylar followed and closed the door behind her.

The pilot house was a tiny square space that could only fit about 5 people at the maximum. The space was mostly taken up by the giant wooden wheel which two cords hung above. The view from where they were let them see almost everything, in front and back of the boat.

Andrew pulled the cord on the left and the train let out a loud whistle.

"What did you do that for?" Skylar asked irritated as her ears rang from the loud noise.

"It was on cue!" Andrew shrugged, referring to the spiel of the captain. "What you've never been up here?"

"Sure I have, several times but this time we are really on the Mississippi. Look." Skylar said pointing out the window.

They were passing by the streets of New Orleans although it was the old New Orleans, if that makes sense. The building were old fashioned brick with tall slender windows. Horse and carriages rolled across the gleaming concrete and rusty metal evacuation signs were at the top corners of the building.

The Mark Twain glided by at a snail pace and they stood there for a while in silence just admiring the city in its old glory.

"By the way, I found these documents in Walt and the Mark Twain up here!" Andrew said holding up a few papers triumphantly.

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