16: Astro Orbiter and Blasters

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"I'm trying to override the central controls of the Partners statue but this data base is very strong." He said not appreciating the lack of faith she had in him.

"We have to contact them, their lives are in danger." She urged him to hurry up with the hacking but he had made no progress.

"Our lives are in danger too, if we meddle much with this." He snapped back, continuing to type vehemently on the keyboard.

The two sat in the underground base, having access to all the technology one could ever ask for. Although they didn't exactly have access to be there.

They were no older than 16 and both were around 5'7. Both girl and guy with dark red hair that almost appeared black.

"They're just like us, Kenton, we can't leave them alone." The girl said.

And he responded.
"We didn't get help, Quinn."

Skylar and Andrew were in Tomorrowland, the future, full of endless possibilities of what might happen in the unknown.

Walt Disney had said at one point that "Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future." Perhaps that's why he built the future as one of his lands. He wanted people to do things that they couldn't do at the present time but could possibly do eventually. Like kids driving cars, or people going to space before even astronauts had.

Tomorrowland had changed with time as the future became the present they had to make it more futuristic. It always would change as time went on and as technology got more and more advanced.

The plaque at the entrance of this land read "A vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying man's achievements... a step into the future, with predilections of constructive things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure and ideas: the Atomic Age, the challenge of outer space, and the hope for a peaceful and unified world. ~ Walt Disney, July 17, 1955."

The place was definitely filled with things that hadn't even been invented yet but they were sure hypothesized about.

Andrew and Skylar walked through Tomorrowland gawking at the sights of the future. It was just like the Tomorrowland they knew only everything was real.

People whizzed past them on jetpacks, rockets flew through the air and the people wore the weirdest clothes. The first giant structure they came across was easily recognized even though it was a weird sight.

Astro Orbiter's massive framework stood 2 stories tall with it's gleaming planets revolving around in an orbit. The base color was bold bronze and the rest consisted of dark blues and purples making up the constellations. It was extremely shiny and looking at it from a certain view glared light into your eyes.

They admired it as, a voice was projected addressing those aboard Astro Orbiter.

"Star pilots, you are ready for blast off in 3,2,1!"

There was a sound of a type of motor starting and about 12 rockets began to take flight. The only difference between this and the ride was that the rockets were not attached to the structure! They flew freely and soon zoomed out of sight.

Stuck in the Happiest Place on EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora