11 (part 1): Small World Holiday

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"It's a Small World after all. It's a Small World after all. It's a Small World after all. It's a small, small world. It's a world of laughter a world of---"

"Does that song ever get stuck in your head?" Andrew asked all of a sudden.

"All the time!" Skylar exclaimed, remembering the times she had sung that song in her head.

They had arrived at their first holiday detour, Small World Holiday. Every inch of the massive building was covered in lights of all different colors. As they entered bells chimed melodiously above that were hanging down over the entry way.

Zero swooped after them and circled around their legs from time to time when he was feeling particularly happy.

The song that often 'got stuck' in ones head was playing loudly in the air. Rather than in a boat, they walked into the North Pole. Like always this ride was the coldest but the snow made it worse.

Shimmering white snowflakes fell from the sky as they walked through the snow. Off to their left, two Eskimos sat atop of an iceberg fishing, and right now a walrus and seal were taunting them by taking all the bait. On the right, was Scandinavia, with the ice skaters and singers.

This was the ride with all ethnicities incorporated and each country was very different. Since this was the holiday version of things Santa workshop was also in the distance of the North Pole. His voice could be heard loudly reading the list of all the nice and naughty kids.

None of this took them by surprise as Skylar and Andrew walked into the next room. They were still in Europe and Scandinavia. Reindeer grazed up on the hilltops and folk dancing was happening right in front of them.

They continued on still, finding themselves in Denmark. Large toy soldiers dressed in red played their trumpets loud at Tivoli Gardens.

Next was England with their candle lit trees. Then France which was brightly shining from a giant '2016!' sign and the Eiffel Tower.

"Bonne année!" Skylar called out to the can can dancers.

"You know French?" Andrew asked in surprise.

"Un peu."

Bagpipes started playing as they went into Scotland. The Tartan castles stood high and a highland cow held a nice and naughty list.

After that the rest of Europe including Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland had there representations as well.

Now into Asia they began to talk.

"So we're going to have to go through this again? Skylar asked.

"Around the world in particular, but yes I think so." Andrew answered in reply.

"Why me? Couldn't someone else do this?" She sighed already thinking negative again.

"I'm here too," he reminded her. "And things could be worse."

"They have been worse."

They made it to India for flying carpets swooped in the air. One of them held Jasmine and Aladdin, in there 'a whole new world' moment.

Stuck in the Happiest Place on EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora