13: Sabors wrath

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The train whistled loudly and rang a bell as it departed.

"Why is it leaving?" Andrew asked uneasily.

Usually when entering into another... Ride they never looked back but the train had never left. This time as the two stepped off and found themselves at a treehouse, the train began to chug away from them.

"This may explain it." Skylar said looking down at their only connection to the outside world, the IPhone.

Another piece of information had been sent to them through a text.

Skylar had a worried look on her face as she stared at the screen so Andrew moved in closer to see what she was looking at.

"What does it mean?" He said barely above a whisper.

Skylar looked like she was going to be sick as she mumbled under her breath. "It means we're stuck here."

"You know, I really hate stairs." Andrew panted, as he tried to catch his breath.

Having climbed up a spiral staircase of maybe 200 stairs, Andrew was out of breath but Skylar on the other hand was energetic as ever.

They had arrived at an attraction that they couldn't identify right away, and that was a surprise.

Being dropped off at a ginormous tree house, which was half emerged from the leafy tree tops, the pair had no other option but to climb up.

"Where do you think we are?" Skylar inquired, ignoring his complaint.

"In a treehouse."

"Thank you Captain Obvious."

Turning the corner, they came upon a bridge that crossed over a vast amount of water until it hit land again. The bridge was very high up from where they'd originally started but Skylar didn't hesitate to walk across the swaying overpass.

She was halfway across when she turned around to see Andrew stopped at the edge of the bridge, pale as a ghost.

"What?" She said gently.

"Nothing." She saw him swallow and timidly step onto the rickety overpass.

Skylar didn't understand his reaction but shrugged to herself and walked back to him.

"Come on." She smiled at him, hoping his mood would brighten.

She walked along side Andrew as he inched across, keeping his eyes set on land and not daring to look at the swaying wooden panels under his feet.

They walked up to a 'house' part of the tree. There was a life boat hanging from a outstretched branch coming out of the side of the house and the flag of England hung down vertically from another.

This is what jogged Andrew's memory.

They weren't exactly in a ride but more of a walk through.

"Tarzan!" He announced.

"That's right." Skylar said now remembering. "Man, I haven't been here in years."

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