2: The Haunted Mansion

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The statue loomed ahead of them as they walked through a tunnel of smoke. There was something different about the statue but it was hard to figure out what.

Finally Skylar realized what was missing. "Walt is there but Mickey's just gone." She announced puzzled.

"Yeah, weird." Andrew said barely above a whisper.

The smoke finally dispersed from around them as they walked into the hub. It was completely empty and they could only see as far as the castle, the rest was just black.

Sitting by the statue the dog whined and Walt's bronze head slowly turned to look at them. He walked out of the flower bed and stood in front of them.

Too frightened to say anything they stared up at the tall statue of Walt. He peered down at them and then a smile crinkled on his face.

"You've finally made it. I heard that you had some close encounters with pirates." He chuckled.

"Why are we here?" Andrew blurted out.

"You wanted to go here." Walt told them. Andrew was about to talk but Skylar did instead.

"Where is here exactly?" She questioned.

"The happiest place on earth specifically,New Orleans, as requested." He answered.

"But why?" The pair said in unison.

Walt thought for a moment then responded. "This is where the magic began, with Walt. He dreamt up this place, a place of magic and wonder. He didn't get to see most of the park that's here now but people have always honored him as the founder. Since then things have changed."

"What do you mean?" Skylar asked.

"This land is the root of the Disneyland you know and when this one dies that one does as well."

"This land is dying?" Andrew worried.

"In a sense, yes, and you two are the experts of Disneyland. You are the perfect ones for the job."

"What job?"

"You have to restore Walt's name. Many have taken the Walt out of Walt Disney and I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Like for the newer Disney movies, haven't you seen that instead of Walt Disney presents now it just says Disney presents?"

"I have never noticed that before, but what can we do?" Skylar said.

" You must go to certain places and reveal information about what Walt did for this park. What ever you change here will also change in Disneyland. Walt didn't get to see his company grow into the 21st century but he was the main source of all this and you must remind everyone what he did." The statue urged.

"Pirates of the Caribbean was never finished before he died so that doesn't count but he did help with the next place you'll be going. Here is a bag with a map and other directions, read all of them!! You must go now we will try to help as much as we can."

Everything thing around them started to fade.

"Oh and whatever you do don't scream." The statue yelled as he too disappeared.

Darkness was all they could see for a moment and the statue's words scared them a little. Colors began to mix together and a arch formed in front of them. A tall metal arch stretched above them held up by brick pillars and as they walked through them a massive mansion came into view.

The haunted mansion to be exact. A path led up to this gigantic, old house. Skylar had the bag Walt had given them and she slung it over her shoulder. She walked timidly behind Andrew still wary because of Walt's words.

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