9 (part 3) : Tom Sawyer's Island

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Skylar was sent onto the Black Pearl. While Jack and Elizabeth were in a heated discussion, she stood by unnoticed for the time being. She had also been mysteriously dressed as a pirate although Skylar was still 14.

"One day, you won't be able to resist." Jack said smugly at Elizabeth.

"Why doesn't your compass work?" She responded annoyed.

He paused. "My compass works fine."

"Because you and I are alike. And there will come a moment when you'll have a chance to show it. To do the right thing." Elizabeth told himself hoping he'd make the right decision.

Skylar watched all this intently from under wooden steps that lead up to the wheel.

The two pirates bickered back and forth playfully.

"Oh, I have faith in you. Want to know why?" Elizabeth said smirking.

Skylar was smirking too, thinking of someone else. The shadow of the staircase hid her well as they talked on.

"Land, ho!" Gibbs called out over the ship.

The crew along with Skylar took a long boat to shore. On the way Pintel and Ragetti argued about the Kraken.

Skylar must have appeared older to everyone because no one questioned her being there. She sat right in between Norrington and Elizabeth. Building up courage Skylar got bold enough to talk to them.

"You are to be married to Will Turner,right?" She began cautious, then added. "I was there when it all got --- interrupted."

"Yes, I'm on my way to save him just now." Elizabeth replied softly, as if saddened by the thought.

"I'm doing the same thing, for someone else I mean." Skylar consoled her as she thought silently to herself  "at least I think."

They reached shore and Jack hoisted out a shovel. "Guard the boat. Mind the tide. Don't touch my jar of dirt."

Pintel and Ragetti stayed behind while the others, with Skylar at Elizabeth's side, walked to the location of the chest.

Jack ordered Norrington to start digging. He finally hits something and they pull out a chest. Braking the lock open, they dig through love letters to find the chest that holds the heart.

Skylar and Elizabeth along with Jack and Norrington huddle around with their ears to the chest. Each one of them jumps as they hear a beat.

"It's real." Elizabeth gasps.

"You actually were telling the truth." Norrington mutters.

"I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised." Jack said, slightly offended.

"With good reason!" Will said from behind them and Andrew was behind him.

"Will! You're all right! Thank God! I came to find you!" Elizabeth yelled running towards him.

Skylar does the same towards Andrew and they hug, but pull away immediately just to catch a glimpse of Will and Elizabeth 'embracing' each other.

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