These Ties That Bind Us

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Addison had gone to LA for a conference. I got the boys to daycare. Harry went off to play once I gave him a hug.

"Is Addie going to be back soon?" Charlie asked.

"She only left last night. I think she's supposed to be gone for 2 days but we can call her later," I said.

"Okay," Charlie said hugging Mack tightly. He kissed my cheek.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," He grinned.

"I'll see you later little man," I said. Charlie went off to play with Mack. I got changed into my scrubs and met Callie, Cristina and Hunt outside.

"What do we got?" Callie asked.

"Crush injuries," Cristina asked.

"Couple minutes out," Hunt said as he tied my trauma gown. Cristina tied Callie's

"What do you know about Hahn?" Cristina asked.

"She's gone," Callie said.

"Yeah, but why?" Cristina asked.

"I don't know," Callie said.

"You two are friends," Cristina said.

"I don't want to talk about it. I want blood and guts and mangled bones. I want a guy so smashed up it takes all day to fix. I want to rock a surgery. I don't want to talk about Hahn," Callie said.

"Sounds like a good day," I said as the ambulance rolled in.

"Unidentified man with prolonged extrication time. Had to fish him out of a garbage truck. Multiple crush injuries, open fractures, GCS three, couldn't unhook him," The medic said as her co-worker wheeled him out of the ambulance.

"Unhook him?" Hunt asked.

"His femur's broken in half and is puncturing his torso. He's impaled," The medic explained.

"Impaled on himself?" Cristina asked.

"Human pretzel. That'll do," Callie said. We got the patient into a trauma room.

"Wow," Meredith said walking in.

"Check his popliteal pulse," Hunt said.

"I'm getting nothing," Cristina said.

"'Cause his knee's over here," I said.

"You think he was sleeping in the dumpster and they started crushing the trash?" Cristina asked.

"That's a bad day," Meredith said. Sadie Harris, my new intern and Meredith's friend walked in.

"I'm here. What did I miss?" Sadie asked.

"I was supposed to bring you up to speed but didn't have time so we'll do that later for now check breath sounds," I said.

"Breath sounds are clear and equal. Both sides. Unbelievable," Sadie said.

"No punctured lung. We need a portable X-ray and an ultrasound," Hunt said.

"Someone page us?" Mark asked walking in with Derek.

"I did," Hunt said.

"You did? That's a first," Derek said.

"So's this. I've seen guys cut in half, amputations, and eviscerations, but I've never seen anything like this. I wondered if you could help," Hunt said.


We were still in the trauma room treating the patient.

"His femur's in pieces. Except the part stuck in his torso. No way I'm saving that leg," Callie said.

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