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From the corner of my eyes her frail body goes limp, so much so that it looks like she just died.

She's not dead.

The man begins to croak under me and it's then that I remember I'm still pushing his head in, I give it one last shove and hear the bones snap and a noise that I've never really heard before pop out of him just before he dies. I stand up to walk to Mia but I'm stopped dead in my track as Donte comes out from the opening door I had come from, he looks to be in no rush, he has time to look down to see his daughter knocked out cold somewhere in the midst of all the bodies.

"You hurt your own mother?" His voice shakes with rage, all that calmness he had seems to have run out "MY DAUGHTER?" This time his body moves with how loud he had to screamed.

I only tighten my fists, he's wasting my time and it's beginning to feel like every second is an eternity on its own.

"Don't even think about it" he chokes out just as I was about to move. "I didn't want Mia to die, here of all places especially but I'm done. This whole thing has gotten boring, distasteful and just sour, you have disappointed your whole generation, and for what Nicholas, her?"

"You cared about her too, you raised her like your own-"

"That was before she shunned me out because of you, before she picked sides with a weak coward who puts his hands on his own mother, his own blood, someone that went through pain raising and feeding him only for him to turn into this" his eyes grow bloodshot, sweat trails across his whole red face and I just grow more impatient.

"I'm getting her, one way or another she is walking out of here with me" I breath out glancing back at her, she's gone pale- why has she gone pale.

"By all means Nicholas, I dare you to try"

I glance at him and back to her, the moment i move to take my second step I collapse brining my hands to my chest. My heart begins to burn the skin around me, I have the need to rip it all out just to stop the feel of fire catching in me, I look up seeing him smiling from the other side of the room, he begins to walk closer though, holding onto a square object.

"You were wrong by the way"

I begin to crawl forwards only to gasp out in pain, my chest begins to vibrate, I can feel my bones shaking against one another. The pressure in my heart- he's controlling it. He walks past me and I can't for the life of me look up, I can only see the tips of his shoes as he carries on walking somewhere behind me.

"You are both going to die here and she'll take over what was always meant for her, and no one, not even you will be able to stop that from happening"

I manage to look back as he brushes his fingers across Celine's sleeping face, so much sadness, so much care is seeping out of him that I can't believe it's real. This doesn't matter, I turn back around holding onto my chest as I carry on crawling to Mia, my Mia. I'm so close that I can almost touch the glass itself but I'm kicked down by a heavy blow. My shoulder takes in all force as I fall down, he's standing right over me with nothing but disgust. 

"And if I have to kill you myself, I will, I'll stand right over you as your heart explodes in your own chest because there are no lengths that I won't cross for my daughter, there's no morals or kindness that I can spare when it comes to her" he crouches down, just a couple of inches away from my body. I can feel my muscles grow weak as my heart begins to stop. "Do you know what that feels like? The absolute rage that fills every breath you take when seeing her hurt?"

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