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Two years later ~

"I'm glad I'm here under actual better circumstances" Grace says smiling in complete disbelief as she greets Nicholas by the door.

"It's a surprise to all of us, believe me" he replies and I just smile at how close the two of them are, her eyes then bounce right onto me and she gleams.

"Mia Evars" she breaths out almost is Awe.

"And you must be the famous Doctor Grace" I take her hand shaking it only to find her skin be as warm as the fire I was sitting by moments ago, this makes me smile even more.

"Oh please if we're talking about being famous then you clearly don't go out much"

I frown with a little laugh simply because I'm a little confused, my eyes dart up to Nicholas but he's just staring at me rather hungry if I may say so.

"My dear you are all that anyone talks about these days, I treat all sorts of people and not once have I met someone that didn't hear about you"

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that they all hope I die"

She smile at this "some, but most look up to you"

"Now that I have a hard time believing"

"I don't" Nicholas says smiling down at me, his hands snake around my waist as he comes to stand behind me "Grace how long are you staying for"

"As long as you want me, but honestly I was surprised to even hear from you let alone receive an invitation to spend Christmas with you and your family"

"Well I speak for everyone when I say stay for as long as you want"

Her blue eyes widen at this before landing on mine "whatever have you done to him" she laughs.

"Must be that Christmas spirit" I shrug and hug onto his hands tighter.

"Grace?" Max comes jogging in with Levi by his side, Lev passes by just inches behind him throwing me a look that screams happiness, she's so cute when she's in love.

"Ah my favourite patient" she says as he hugs her small frame "staying out of trouble I hope"

"Always, especially when this one scares me more than you" he grins looking over at Levi whose right by his side.

"I knew I'd love her from the moment I saw her, you need someone that will beat some sense into you from time to time"

We all laugh at this because that couldn't be more from the truth.

"Alright alright I love to be the joke of the night but where are they?" He grows serious and Grace rolls her eyes.

"I swear you're more happy to see my children than you are to see me, they're in the back" she nods towards the door.

"We'll go get them, in the meantime please go and see if Ray needs anti- depressants because explain to me how me wearing a Christmas sweater makes him want to throw up" before he could get an answer, lev and him sprint out the door letting the crispy air catch onto us for a split second.

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