The real demon

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His eyes not moving from mine in a blink he disappears.

Huh? Where did he go?!

'I'm right here.' I turn around and saw him standing before me.

A definition of speed.

'You were more excited back then. I guess puberty huh?' He says as Douma giggles

'Was that supposed to be a joke? Because in some way , it was funny.' I said as he was standing few feet's away from me.

'Take it as you want.' He said as I felt a rage feeling inside me.

'I don't know why but you're more disgusting now than before. Even tho you haven't aged.' I did as he sighed and gave me a stern look.

'Hatred is a weird feeling. Probably the thing you're feeling right now is envy.' He said my fist clenched. I felt like punching this guy but I would be dead not even in a second.

'Envy? For you?? You have got to be kidding me.' I said he chuckled. And Douma interfered.

'Ohh kokushibou-san~ how do you know y/n? I haven't a relationship with her right? Ouuu! You like her~ahahah!' Douma makes a joke as Gyokko laughs with him but from Douma's back I was able to see at his features more clearly. He hadn't token his eyes off me...

He's rather...weird.

'Lord Muzan has arrived.' Lady Biwa said as everyone kneeled so did I. Watching everyone kneel before this man I shouldn't be surprised.

'Seems like you got to hang up with the upper moons so fast. I'm impressed.' He says as I sigh still looking down.

'Don't need to worry. It will all end up soon enough when you start telling us about the blue spider lily.

Blue spider lily? What would he want with that?

I didn't respond but stood silent as he clenched something up there.

'Unfortunately this guy wasn't much of a thing either. But later I found you both were related. He didn't say anything but I will.'

What is he saying??

Suddenly I felt a warm drip of liquid on my head as it went down to my right eye to my lip and fall to the ground. I stared it blankly for a moment.


I stood on my back and wiped it off my face as it was clearly blood. I immediately stood up as my eyes widened in horror. The drops of blood continually dropping on my forehead as I stared blankly in horror of the body in his hand.

Suddenly my lungs were getting heavier.

I could hear him struggling to breathe.

'HARU!!!!! Ugh-!' I immediately stood up but Douma forced me down as he placed his hand on my chest forcing me to look up. I tried to fight his grip but unfortunately resulted into nothingness.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BROTHER?! Let him go!!!' I screamed in pain as I saw him grin and suddenly he disappeared and showed beside us still with his hands at Haru's neck. 'EHHH!!! AHHHH!!' I struggled at his grip as tears filled my eyes.

Suddenly Douma pulled my up as my wounded back resting on his chest as I saw Muzan approaching us only to stop a few meters away. He released Haru into the ground as he coughed blood and tried to breathe air. 'Y-y/n...ugh!' He struggled in pain in vain as I watched him trying to stand but to fail.

'Let me go!! Let me GO!!!!' I shouted as he released me as I ran towards Haru but suddenly I heard a slash. The ground between me and them snapped in half. I looked at kokushibou which was holding his katana looking unfazed but the building changed and we were back again.

I ran towards Haru as I fell on my knees and hold his back and his chest as he grabs my wrist. 'Y/n!...' he says as everyone said nothing. 'Forgive me.' He said as I looked at him shocked but suddenly he brought his sword to my neck.

Eh? Why? Haru?

Suddenly it stopped. His arm released blood as it was cut. He screamed in pain as Douma laughed. 'Oh dear my...I apologise...seems like my feelings were carried away....sorry!'

'Haru...why?' I asks as he hold the sword to his left and stood his ground as I looked at him shocked. The biwa woman played a melody as it transported him away. I saw Kokushibo place his hand at his shoulder forcing him to stand down as he had stopped his bleeding.

Muzan appeared before me as he showed me a book.

'It's your drawing book right? I'm impressed with your drawing abilities but...this one took my attention.' He shows me a picture of the flower I had drew over 5 years ago.

'What do you know about it?' He asks as he placed it before my eyes letting it to the ground so I could remember.

'Y/N!!!! DON'T TALK!!!! Whatever happens don't TALK!!!!' Haru shouted as kokushibou smashed his head to the ground forcing him to stand down. I saw him but Muzan blocked the view with his leg as I looked up to meet his eyes.

I looked down once again.

'Years ago I was at a was warm after the rain had stopped. I was 6 years old that day. I was running around as my mother was doing the laundry I spotted something a some few meters away. I went to it as it bloomed a flower. It came out as soon the sun reached its roots. I showed it to my mother and she told me where those flowers bloom and when. Grandpa was killed by a demon but grandma told the story.'

Haru sighed in distress as he relaxed his body

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Haru sighed in distress as he relaxed his body. In disappointment.

'Where is it then?' Suddenly kokushibo squeezed his head nearly blowing it up as sweat fell from my forehead

'The flower only blooms at daytime for two to three days a year, after which it closes back up, resembling a large horsetail weed. In some cases, depending on the climate, the Blue Spider Lily doesn't even bloom at all!' I spoke faster as I watched him release his grip around his head.

Muzan's eyes didn't change but I could feel he was angry suddenly the air got heavier as I placed both off my hands down as he nearly made the whole castle collapse.

'So that is the reason I haven't been able to find huh? The sun.' He says as he calmed down. I looked at him and saw his face had calmed down.

'We'll make a deal.'

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