Hells paradise

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I still looked at her face as her expression hasn't changed. She still manages to keep her smile as I felt rage.

She used to walk in the sunlight...she must have turned after. Douma!!! Couldn't you get enough?!

'What are you thinking?' She asked as I pushed my back at the wall for support. I felt my breath getting heavier and heavier as sweat fell from my forehead. My temperature was rising.

I held my shoulder as I squeezed my hand to stop the bleeding. Blood fell from my hand as I gulp.

'Hm Hm!' She chuckles. I fell down on my knees as my legs couldn't keep me up anymore.

'Poor you.' She said and got on my levels. She pat my head as I couldn't fight back. I couldn't scream!

I couldn't move!


'Your head could have made a beautiful decorative piece in his vase. You and your mother would have made a totally amazing piece.' She pulls my hair to get my eyes at her.

'Hey! I've got an idea! Why don't you come at the temple?! You'll be able to see her faint eyes! Huh?! What do ya say?!' She asks as my eyes filled with angry tears.

'Ouuu! Poor baby!' She said and patted my cheek before smashing my head at the wall.

'Agh!' I scream as my forehead started to bleed. She released my hair as I fell flat on the floor and she stood up.

'You're pretty.' She says as I cough blood.

The hit at the wall hurt my throat as it was bleeding.

'But...stupid.' She says as she kicks me in the stomach as I hit the wall this time creating a crack, she walks away. I held my stomach as I was trying to breathe air but my lungs fell like they were ready to explode...

'W-wa...' I struggled to talk as I looked at her back when she stopped.

'He will come here. The lord gave permission. Be sure to stay alive.' She disappeared as I stood for a moment there.


I crawled towards the wall as I rest my back here.

'Shhh! Ahh...' I wince in pain as I held my stomach. 'Damn it...' I whisper as I cough for a moment before I noticed two boys walking towards the alley I was resting at. They're drunk laughing holding sake at their hands.

One of them trips at my feet as the other one burst out laughing. But he fall back because he couldn't hold his posture for long enough.

'Oii!! HIRO!! Help me stand up! Stop laughing over there!' He shouts as the other one had tears in us eyes as I'm standing here waiting for them to stand up.

'S-Sora...you fell on your face...'

'GET UP AND HELP ME!!!' Sora shouts as HIRO dies of laughter as he fell flat and fell asleep.

'Damn bastard. Ugh.!' He stood on his own and his eyes fell on me. 'Heh? Young lady...what are you..' he saw my arm bleeding as I was staring at him before my body started to tremble.

'W-were..' I noticed his eyes.

'N-no.' I answered as he sigh.

'Did you boyfriend beat you up? Or...' he says as he fell on his ass.

'No.' I answered holding my stomach. I felt my temperature rising as I rest my head. I say double of him.

'Heh. Don't be worried. We're good guys. I'm Sora yukimato. He is Hiro Otimarù. We're doctors.'

'Really? I thought doctors weren't allowed to drink alcohol. Right?' I said as he chuckled and rubbed the back of the neck in embarrassment.

This man looked on his 20s. He has short brown hair. He might be 6'1 or 2. The other one seemed older. Like on his 28-29s. He has long brown hair tied in a high bun. He seems like 6'5 or taller.

'Well we succeeded and operation so we had a party.' He said as i nodded.

They don't seem like bad guys.

'Do you mind if I exam you?' He asks as I nod. He pulls a piece of cloth from his pocket and threw it at my neck to cover me. Then pulled my kimono slowly down to my armpit. Good enough to see the wound.

'You temperature is high and you have lost a lot of blood. But luckily, the bleeding has stopped. You're lucky enough we found you.' He says he touched the wound as i winced in pain.

I looked behind him and kokushibou appeared.

'L-lord k-'

'What's going on here?' He asks as Sora turns immediately behind and saw him towering at him. He turns towards me as he placed a cloth at my wound. 'Do you know this man?' He asks as I nod.

'He is-'

'That's my wife.' He says as I look down. I held the cloth at my shoulder as Sora stood up.

'Well she's injured.' Sora spoke.

'She needs to-' Kokushibou cuts him off.

'Thank you for your concern.' He walks pass him as he picks me up in his arms. 'I'll take it from here.'

He walk towards the light.


I watched him leave with her in his arms.

That guy didn't seem right!

He got out in the light as he turned right.

'Hey wait!' I shouted as I ran to stop him. But as soon as I went into the light I looked the way the went and they had disappeared.

Not even a track left behind.

I looked down in concern. I thought of the worst.

'Hiro! Get up!' I shouted


he slowly placed me at the futon as he placed my head gently at the pillow. He sat beside me as he took his mask off revealing his eyes.

'You seriously gotta start training. Everyday you end up wounded.' He says as I chuckle and look at the ceiling.

'Don't like.' I said as he sigh.

'Who did it?' He asks as I looked at him as he gave me a glance.

My eyes were weak.

'I'd rather not talk about it.'

'There are 21 demons at this paranoid village. Tall me the description of him or her.' He spoke as I closed my eyes.

I slowly stood up as I looked at him.

'Do you intend to kill the demon that hurt me or do you intend to keep me alive. If it is the second one, you should start treating it.' I said as he sigh.


I took my kimono off as he started to clean my wound. Standing only with a bra I didn't feel embarrassed I wasn't uncomfortable I was tired and weak. I felt like I was about to lose consciousness every time he placed that cotton on my wound.

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