7. Slightest changes

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Anyone who came into contact with Ominis immediately observed that he walked around with his wand in the air, a red glow surrounding the tip. Add Ominis' cloudy eyes and any rational person would think that he is blind. Of course, they wouldn't say anything unless they were certain, or Ominis himself said something.

Ominis was also observant. He picked up on things that most sighted people wouldn't. For example, he noticed that Poppy would often talk fast around those people she may not like, whereas she talked slower around people like Natty, or Y/N.

One person he knew better than anyone else was Sebastian. Ominis had become friends with the brunette boy and his twin sister Anne in their 1st year at Hogwarts. Since then, they had been the best of friends. So, when Anne was cursed right before her 5th year at Hogwarts, Ominis was just as devastated as Sebastian. In some ways, he considered Anne to be the sister that he always wanted, but never had. Ominis was close to both Sallow siblings, considering he wasn't close to - and honestly hated - his older siblings and his parents.

Right before their 5th year, Ominis and Sebastian were closer than ever, both of them determined to somehow cure Anne. But, when their 5th year began, Ominis started to notice Sebastian's distance. Ominis had met the new 5th year, Y/N. He had no real need to be concerned with her. But, when Sebastian started hanging out with her more than Ominis, his feelings toward Y/N changed to sadness. The teen he had known since he was 11, had started spending all his time with a girl he had met months prior.

But, over time, Ominis' hesitation toward Y/N turned into a friendship that Ominis was grateful for. Y/N knew more about him than any other student had ever bothered to know. Their friendship only grew stronger when he understood that Y/N cared about Sebastian as much as he did and she wanted him to safe, just like he did.

One thing that Ominis had picked up right away was the romance sparking between Y/N and Sebastian. He had noticed it when the three of them travelled through Hogwarts in order to find the Scriptorium. Ominis himself refused to cast Crucio on either of them.

"If you cast Crucio, you will regret it forever." Were his words of caution to Y/N and Sebastian as they stood in front of a door that depicted someone screaming, as well as the spell Crucio etched into the floor right below them.

Both he and Sebastian were truly shocked when Y/N opted to not only learn Crucio, but to also have the spell casted on her. Ominis saw this as Y/N not wanting to subject more pain onto Sebastian than he was already experiencing.

Ominis was happy for Sebastian and Y/N when they started dating. It seemed weird to everyone else that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin were dating, but Ominis didn't care. He saw his two friends dating and felt happy for them.

So, after Y/N showed up at the castle with no memories, Ominis was devastated and Sebastian was rightfully heartbroken. His girlfriend had no memory of him. How he would deal with this? Ominis had no idea.


Ominis hadn't sensed Sebastian all day. He had known Sebastian for long enough to know when he was around. Ominis knew that Sebastian's footsteps were heavier than most. His shoes weren't expensive and he often shuffled his feet when he was walking. Ominis assumed that he was either in the Undercroft letting out the day's newest frustrations or he was with Y/N, trying his best to be calm around her. Unfortunately, the Undercroft was silent, which meant that it must've been empty. As for Y/N, Ominis had used his wand to track Y/N's movement and found her in Central Hall with Natty and Poppy.

"Y/N, have you seen Sebastian?" Ominis asked, confused.

"No, I haven't. I assumed he was with you." Y/N spoke, her voice full of confusion.

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