11. Believing his lies

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As much as you enjoyed Garreth's company, he wasn't really the kind of person that you were interested in. Sure, he was funny, and he knew how to make very unique smelling potions, but that's all you could see. He would be better off as a friend in your eyes. Yes, you had picked up on the fact that both Sebastian and Garreth had been pining for you. They hadn't been so subtle with their acts and what they said around you.

Garreth would often lean against a nearby wall and smile at you while he ignored whoever was talking to him. That's how you recognised that he was trying to win your affection.

Sebastian often spent time with you down in the Undercroft, not hesitating to make it more comfortable if you asked.

The Undercroft had become a place of refuge for you. In the months that followed Sebastian showing you the very large space, you spent almost every day down there, practicing your spells, reading books, even simply chatting to either Sebastian or Ominis, whoever was down there with you.

Most times, it was Sebastian, helping you with any spells that you seemed unable to control. Every time he wrapped his hand around yours, moving it so that you were mimicking his wand movements, you felt butterflies in your stomach. The smirks that he'd send your way every time you made a joke, or the feeling you got when he stood or sat closer to you than normal. You could tell that he had some feelings toward you.

He clearly liked you, or simply admired you, and you didn't mind at all. In fact, you had felt the same for a while. Every time he spoke to you, a smile appeared on your face without hesitation. Just the thought of seeing him sparked butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't help it. Something about him seemed so inviting. He had been a very good friend to you since you came back to Hogwarts. You could even feel sparks between you both that seemed to have existed well before those three months that you were away.

These feelings made you want to remember last year even more than you wished. Every time one of your friends said something that you didn't understand, you wished that you could remember your past, but nothing.

I could tell that Y/N's feelings of romance toward me were growing. She'd opt to hang out with me in the Undercroft, often asking me to help her perfect her spell casting, which I was more than happy to help her with. As long as it brought me closer to her, I was happy.

I wanted to show Y/N just how much she meant to me. I wanted to ask her on a date. So, at 3 PM on a Thursday afternoon, I had a free period, which meant that I could head to Hogsmeade. I had thought about it, and the idea of giving Y/N flowers seemed like a romantic idea, so I stopped by Dogweed and Deathcap, giving the nice lady a description of what type of flower I was looking for - considering my knowledge of flowers was limited. 10 minutes later, I handed the lady 15 galleons, and she handed me a whole small bouquet of flowers.

As I walked through Hogsmeade, I was shocked to see Poppy walking toward Honeydukes.

"Oh, Sebastian! What a pleasant surprise." Poppy exclaimed, smiling.

"Hi, Poppy." I smiled back.

"Those are lovely flowers. Who are they for?" Poppy asked, curious.

"They're for Y/N. I- Uh, I'm planning to ask her out on a date." I admitted, watching as Poppy chuckled.

"How lovely. Y/N is going to love those flowers. I see her pick them from the gardens nearby when she's roaming around Hogsmeade." Poppy smiled, admiring the flowers.

"Well, they're the most beautiful flowers, so it's fitting that she likes them." I chuckled.

"I'm sure that she's going to love those flowers, but I wonder if Garreth had a potion on the way? He seemed a bit...off the last time I saw him." Poppy exhaled, confused.

"What are you talking about...'off'?" I asked, confused.

"Well, I saw him in the potions classroom making something a few months ago, and I assumed it was another Garreth Weasley specialty, until I recognised it's colour. It was a baby-blue coloured potion with Pearl Dust inside of it that would make it shimmer when held near light." Poppy explained.

"Garreth was making the Amortentia potion?" I gasped. That sneaky son of a bitch.

"Yeah. I think he was. I warned him not to use it though. Everyone knows how powerful even a drop of it could be." Poppy shook her head.

"Definitely." I exhaled, trying to prevent myself from getting angry.

If Garreth had actually made the Amortentia potion, that meant that he was actually considering using it, which I couldn't allow. I couldn't and wouldn't allow Garreth to use Amortentia on Y/N. She didn't deserve her feelings to be used and manipulated to such a dangerous extent like the Amortentia potion would.

I raced back to the castle, almost tripping over my own feet as I struggled to find Y/N. That's when it hit me. Without hesitation, I hastily walked through the castle, making it to the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower. Before long, I was making my way down to the Undercroft.

That's when I saw her. Right in the middle of the Undercroft stood Y/N, her wand out as she used her newly re-learned spells on the box that she had clearly meticulously placed between two of the four pillars holding the room together.

I couldn't help but smile. She seemed so focused on using her new arsenal of spells. I could see how she was concentrating really hard on making sure that every spell she knew was perfectly cast. As much as I wanted to continue watching her levitate and destroy a box, I wanted to ask her out before I lost my confidence.

"Hi." I made my presence known, hiding the small bouquet of flowers behind my back.

"Hi, Sebastian. I didn't expect you to be down here." She smiled.

"Well, I was looking for you...and I thought that down here is where you'd be at 3:40 in the afternoon. You have a free period like me, right?" I smiled.

"Yes. I do. I thought that maybe now would be the perfect time to sharpen my wand work." She chuckled.

"Well, you're really improving. I wouldn't be surprised if you became Hogwarts' best dueller within the next few weeks or so." I smiled, walking closer to her.

"I- Uh, I have something that I want to ask you." I exhaled, pulling the flowers out from behind my back.

"Oh, my, Sebastian! Those are beautiful." She gasped as I handed her the bouquet.

"They're beautiful, just like you." I smiled.

"How'd you know these were my favourite type of flower?" She asked, curious. I watched as she held the flowers up to her nose, taking in the smell.

"I had a hunch." I chuckled. She raised her eyebrow, clearly not believing me.

"Fine, I admit that Poppy was a big help." I chuckled, seeing a huge smile on her face.

"They're truly beautiful, Sebastian. But, you had something you wanted to ask me?" Y/N asked.

"Right! Yes. I was wondering...if you'd like to, uh, go out with me tomorrow night?" I asked, feeling my heart race as I waited for her response.

"You mean, like a date?" She questioned.

"Yes. I'd like to take you out...on a date." I nodded, confirming her question.

"I'd love to, Sebastian." She nodded. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Perfect. Meet me outside the Three Broomsticks tomorrow night at 5:30." I smiled.

"Any specific dress code?" She asked.

"Casual formal. Wear a dress, or pants and a t-shirt, I don't mind. You'll look beautiful in whatever you choose to wear." I smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. As I pulled away, I watched as she blushed, unable to hide her shy smile.

"I'd better be going now. I'm sure Scribner has some new tasks waiting for me to complete during my 4 PM detention." I chuckled before waving goodbye to Y/N, who waved back as I exited the Undercroft.

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