8. The letter

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Since Y/N's return to Hogwarts with her memories gone, no one had spared a moment to remember about a certain professor.

While Y/N went off to defeat Ranrok, Professor Fig had opted to stay behind and continue fighting the remaining loyalists. Unfortunately, one of them got the better of him. One loyalist started viciously attacking Fig, and another ended him by stabbing him directly in the heart. Y/N hadn't been aware of her mentor's death.

The only person who actually knew was Professor Weasley. She actually intended to tell Y/N about his untimely passing, but when she realised that Y/N's memories were gone, she didn't find that bit of information to be important.

It wasn't until she cleared out Professor Fig's old office that she came across a letter that had Y/N's full name across the front of it.

During potions class, Professor Weasley knocked on Professor Sharp's door and entered, stopping the class.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, Professor Sharp, but I'm requesting that the following students come to my office directly after class; Y/N Y/L/N, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, and Natsai Onai." Professor Weasley announced before leaving the class to continue.


Potions class soon ended. As instructed, the 6 students walked hastily through the castle, eventually arriving at Professor Weasley's office.

They knocked and waited for permission, soon being granted entry. Within a few minutes, each student was sitting across from Professor Weasley.

"I have gathered you all here for a rather...grim moment." Professor Weasley explained, seeing the confusion on each of their faces.

"As you all have probably noticed, Professor Fig has been notably absent from the castle since the battle with Ranrok. The reason for his absence being that...unfortunately, he passed away." Professor Weasley revealed. Each and every student gasped, except Y/N, which was understandable.

"While clearing out his office, I came across a letter that is addressed to Y/N, but...considering her...situation, I thought it best that you all be here when I read it to her." Professor Weasley exhaled, holding up the unopened letter.

"If any of us actually need to be here, it's Sebastian and Ominis. They're more her friends than us." Natty objected.

"Believe it or not, Natsai, but you all are closely connected to Y/N. Poppy and Y/N bonded over magical beasts. You and Y/N bonded over taking down a common enemy. Garreth and Y/N bonded over making...obscure potions. Sebastian and Ominis bonded with Y/N through their excursions to Feldcroft." Professor Weasley smiled.

Garreth and Sebastian glared at each other, being separated by Y/N and Ominis. Y/N sat with Sebastian on her left and Ominis on her right.

Professor Weasley carefully opened the envelope and removed the letter, opening it.

"Dear Y/N, if you've received this letter, it means that I unfortunately didn't pass the final trial; protecting the repository." Professor Weasley exhaled.

Everyone could hear Professor Fig's voice reading the letter. But Y/N couldn't. She listened to the letter be read and all she could hear was Professor Weasley.

"I'm proud of you. I'm sorry if I didn't say that enough. You had been through more tragedy and trauma in one year than anyone would in a lifetime." Professor Weasley continued.

While Natty, Poppy, Ominis, Garreth and Sebastian knew what Professor Fig's letter was referring to, Y/N had no idea. She listened to Professor Weasley speak, and all she could think about was the fact that this letter was directed to her, but she was hearing about someone else's memories - someone else's life.

"I hope that your final two years at Hogwarts are safer than what you experienced during your fifth year. I hope that you friendships flourish and you find a man - or woman, who will make you happy." Sebastian and Garreth eyed each other with hate as the last line was read.

"I don't know if my opinion counts, but I believe that you'd be an amazing Auror. Also, please make sure that Mr. Sallow behaves. I'd rather not see him going head to head in a duel against Mr. Prewett and Mr. Weasley from my portrait that'll be hung in the Grand Staircase." The last comment made everyone except Sebastian and Garreth laugh. Their glares became worse as they tried their best not to create a fuss while in front of Professor Weasley.

"I wish you the best of luck with your life after Hogwarts. Sincerely, your mentor...and friend, Professor Eleazar Fig." That was the last thing that Professor Weasley read before she placed the letter down on the desk in front of her. The office fell silent. No one knew what to say next. They all wanted to wait to see what Y/N's reaction was. The office remained silent for a few moments, but Y/N ended the silence when she stood up and exited the office, not caring about what her friends or Professor Weasley might say.

Y/N needed to leave. She needed to take a breath. She needed to think about what Professor Fig had said in his letter. Judging by the wording of the letter, Professor Fig must have been a prominent figure in her life. Y/N hated the fact that everyone else seemed to understand the contents of the letter, and she didn't. Whatever relationship she had with Professor Fig was something she couldn't remember. There were clearly so many things she wished she could remember. Her relationships with all her friends, her mentorship with Professor Fig.

While Professor Weasley had given her a glimpse into the friendships she shared with Natty, Poppy, Ominis, Sebastian and Garreth, there was clearly so much more that she didn't remember. She figured that there was more to each friendship, and it explained why some of her friends - Sebastian and Ominis - reacted the way they did.

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