chapter three

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y/n's point of view:

The race day is here and so is all working. The qualification yesterday was pretty chill and both of the boys have done a good job. Carlos has got a P4 and Charles P2. So I am not worried about todays race at all to be honest. I was on the paddock since morning so that I can do everything that I need and watch the race peacefully.

I had everything done two hours before the race and that was when all of the drivers started to get ready for the race, the pre - race interviews and a conference are gonna happen, but I'm free for at least fifteen minutes now and I am gonna happily spend it with myself while watching everyone get ready.

When I got up to see what's happening outside, Pierre came to our garage "Hi, y/n, it's so nice to see you again" He went in for a hug, how cute, he's not doing this too often

"Hello Pierre, it's nice to see you too" I smiled and hugged him as well "what are you doing here?"

"I just came to say hi" He chuckled "and to see Charles"

"I don't even know where he is to be honest"I chuckled as well

"Yeah I was kind of expecting it, why would you know" He laughed

"Hey," Speak of the devil "how are you doing mate?" Charles greeted Pierre and almost knocked me to the groud

"Excuse me?" I said ironicaly

"Watch out, Charles" Pierre told him nicely

"Sorry, I didn't see her" He rolled his eyes, giving me a side eye while still talking to Pierre "how are you?"

I decided to let it go and leave to see Carlos and tell him about the interviews, that they're gonna attend before the race, but Pierre's hand on mine stopped me "wait, I'd want to talk to you"

Charles was still standing there, Pierre obviously interrupted their conversation by bringing me back, he has actually pulled me closer to him and standing there with his hand on my lower back "I'm sorry, go on" He told Charles, that gave me a disgusted look. I actually like where this is going, making Charles pissed is always fun. Especially when there are no arguments left for him.

"I wanted to talk about the race, but I'm not in the mood anymore" Charles again rolled his eyes

"I'm so sorry, Leclerc..I didn't mean to ruin your conversation" I made a fake regretting face and amusedly watched him leave and showing me his middle finger

"I'm sorry for him" Pierre has turned around to face me

"He's not your responsibility, you don't need to be sorry" I chuckled "besides I'm used to it"

"But I still feel sorry" He has put both of his hands on my hips. Well, maybe calm down a little Pierre. "I wanted to ask you if you'll join us on today's post race dinner? We can bring some more people"

"I'd love to," I gave him a big smile right away, not that I have missed those over the break, I'll probably ruin Charles' next part of the day, which is hilarious.

"Perfect," He smiled back at me "so I'll text you and tell you when I'll pick you up"

"Sounds amazing" I smirked "I'm looking forward"

"Me too" He hugged me again "I gotta go, but see you"

"Bye" I pulled away after a few seconds letting him leave, this season is starting perfectly.

. . .

It was five minutes till the pre - race press conference that Charles was obviously supposed to attend, but I got an information that he's not ready anywhere near the place. My colleague called me saying that I am the one who has the look for him, I'm so lucky. I was rushing like crazy trying to find him. I got like three minutes left and he's nowhere to be seen. I decided to check the dressing rooms. His stupid ass didn't even lock the door and I went right in. Of course he was there, drinking Coke from his plastic bottle, but the Coke was weirdly light.

"What the fuck are you doing here you're supposed to be at the press conference, Leclerc!" I said out loud, I was fucking pissed, it's a hell working with him

"I'm not going anywhere" He took a sip out of his bottle, he again did not even bothered to look at me

"What do you mean?! There's a race in an hour and everyone is waiting for you!" I wasn't trying to be silent or calm, I was fucking furious

"I don't care, just tell them I'm sick or something, I'm not racing today" Him sipping out of the fucking bottle made me fucking crazy

I went to get closer to him grabbing the bottle from his hands without him even getting a chance to stop me, I smelled the drink, there sure was alcohol

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He got up from his seat, grabbing my wrist so harashly it burned "give it back to me"

"Yeah, you can count on that" I turned the bottle around to make it spill all around the floor in the dressing room, I broke out from his grip, but he immediately grabbed me again, but now my neck and pressed me onto the nearest wall, thankfully he wasn't fully in his all five senses so I had my hands free to slap him in face and his grip eased "you touch me one more fucking time!"

"Then what?" He probably felt like such a boss, standing above me looking me right in the eyes with his breath smelling like pure alcohol again, disgusting.

"I'll make sure you'll never race again, I'm saving your ass for the last time" I made my way out of the room "and I'm doing it mostly because it's my job" I slammed the door right after leaving, preparing myself for getting embarrassed.

I got into the press conference room, where they were all still impatiently waiting for Leclerc to come. Instead there was me who came, I stood next to the drivers that were already there. I am my own boss basically so there's no one I could actually inform that Leclerc is not joining, but I have to tell Mattia that he decided not to race. Which is fucking stupid because he could win this easily.

"I'm here to inform y'all and say sorry that the press confernce is about to start and end without Charles Leclerc due to his nausea" I said into the microphone "thank you for understanding"

They all started to mumble in there and Carlos gave me a questioning look. I shaked it off and left, I'll tell him after the conference, now I have to deal with Mattia.

The story will get more interesting I promise❤️



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