chapter twenty one

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y/n's point of view:

The breakfast was pretty silent and awkward. Or at least for me. But Pierre decided to go to a room with me to 'rest' and talk. I told him no but he insisted. I didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but it did scare me at first. What if he knows? But how the hell would he know?!

He got into the room with me and I immediately sat down on my bed. He did the same, but too close to me he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, again.." he sighed "but tell me did I do something you didn't like or something?"

"No, I am sorry, I know I should've told you before deciding to leave without telling anyone" I repeated for a hundredth time today

"It's fine..we can be together now and it's enough for me" He stroked my hip and was about to unbotton the only button on the blazer I wore, but I stopped him

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I-" I once again interrupted him

"Pierre," I got up from the bed "just leave please"

"But why? What have I done?" He asks getting up as well

"I just don't want this right now, please...leave" I repeated

"Fine," He made his way to the door "I'm sorry"

He left. I wasn't in a mood for him doing any of this shit and also I have traces of Leclerc's teeth on my fucking breast. I don't want to fight with Pierre or anything, but we're not a couple and he needs to accept that I do not always want everything.

. . .

However I fell asleep on accident.

"Fuck" I got up immediately looking for my phone to see what time it is

Almost 11. Good. I got some texts from Carlos.


Will you join us for dinner at 11?

If you want to just come to the hotel restaurant, we're here

That sounds like a good idea. I was already starving. So I decided to join them when Carlos invited me.

I got to the restaurant by 11. I fixed my hair a little in the elevator on my way there since I just woke up. I really wasn't expecting "us" to be Isa, Carlos and Leclerc. Fuck.

"Hello" I got to their table and sat on the only free chair. Next to Leclerc of course.

"Hi, we almost thought you won't join us" Carlos chuckled

"Sorry, I fell asleep" I chuckled as well smiling at Isa

"Long night, huh?" Isa smirked

"Exactly" I smiled ironically trying to ignore the embarrasing fact that Leclerc is right next to me.

"So Pierre's sleeping too I guess" She tried to make a joke I guess

"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like his bodyguard?" I rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry" She said "I thought you spent the night together so he's in your room"

"We didn't and he's not" I shrugged my shoulders  "how did y'all enjoy the after party?" I tried to change the topic a little and I even looked at Charles

"It was fine" He said silently

"How about you Carlos?" I turned around to face him now

"I did enjoy it, Isa was pretty mad when I got back at three o'clock in the morning knocking on her door" Carlos laughed

Yes, Isa wasn't there yesterday.

"Poor Isa" I chuckled

"But where did you two went?" This question sounds really bad to me, I guess Carlos didn't mean it THAT way

I waited for Charles to respond without trying to make any weird faces or giving suspicious looks.

"I went to get something to eat then I got here, it was boring"

Is he really helping me out by making the lie even bigger lie?

"I got back here, I was just tired" I anwered right away, I'm too bad at lying...I feel like everyone can see I am not saying the truth

"Pierre was worried as hell about you" Carlos said

"I know, he was calling me" I remembered the moment of the bite. Fuck, I think I liked it. No, no, no! "but I fell asleep then"

"I get it, I'm just trying to say he cares about you" He explained

"I know" I nodded

"He really likes you" Isa added

Not again. I'm not in a mood for hearing how good he is for me and how he likes me. And how he's the one. Bullshit.

"Ugh" I hid my face in the palms of my hands

"Can you stop shipping them? It's disgusting" Charles joined the convo

"Thank you, Leclerc!" I groaned

"I'm not trying to help you, but myself so don't thank me" He explained "I'm trying to save my best friendship"

"Get it," I rolled my eyes

I'm a mess today, so I'm sorry this chapter may be a mess as well :)



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