chapter eleven

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y/n's point of view:

We safely landed in London. We were getting out of the airplane when the steward - bartender stopped me and pulled me out of the way a little.

"I promised you something" He chuckled getting his phone out

"I almost forgot" I grinned taking my phone out of my pocket as well

"I need to make sure you'll use it at least once" He smirked

"Oh don't worry, I will" I said smiling and handing him my phone, he put his phone number in my contacts saving in under a name 'Lars' "here you go"

"Where are you from, Lars?" I asked trying to figure out how to pronounce it well

"Sweden" He gave me a smirk again

At the exact moment Charles was getting out of the airplane too and stopped by to say bye to Lars. "It was nice to meet you," He said doing the man handshake thing

"Same, see you" Lars said

"See ya" Leclerc left the plane, he didn't even look at me, I felt invisible for a second and I couldn't complain when it's about him

"And it was nice to meet you, y/n" Lars turned to face me again

"Did I tell you my name yesterday?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"He did" He admitted. Charles did.

"Well, it was nice to meet you too" I hugged him "I hope I'll see you again"

"Me too" He hugged me tightly as well, it felt kind of good to be honest

"Bye" I turned around to leave

"Hey" He stopped me, so I turned around again "let me know when you two get together"

I furrowed my brows at him, this smirk he had on his face, he fucking knew it'll piss me off. But I couldn't help myself and grin a little and give him a one small middle finger. He laughed and with that I left the airplane.

Now we need to find the earliest flight from here to Nice. We - me and Leclerc, obviously. I love how we always have to do things together. It's like the universe hates me. Isa and Carlos are both going to Madrid for the break so I have to travel alone with him. As soon as we got from the airplane to the airport we all found a place to sit in to find our flights. I took my phone out to find something and so did everyone else. I luckily found a ticket for a flight in two hours, I was surprised. I immediately bought a ticket and it wasn't even expensive. I heard Isa and Carlos talking, they seemed like they did find something too and I didn't even try to look at Charles.

"So did you find anything?" I asked Isa

"Yeah, it's leaving in an hour so we need to hurry up" She chuckled and got up from her seat "what about you?"

"I did too" I gave her a small smile and got up as well "so I guess we will have to separate" I gave her a hug

She hugged me back "I'll see you in Saudi"

"Looking forward" I smiled pulling away, I noticed Carlos and Charles being surrounded by a small group of people taking pictures with them Carlos was smiling and laughing and so was Leclerc. I always get amazed by how good of an actor he is. "I also gotta go, the check in is already open"

"We do too" She chuckled "bye"


She left Carlos' way and I got to the check in counter, there wasn't a long queue just yet thankfully. There were like 10 people in front of me so I believe in will be quick.

"Guess we're travelling together, huh?" I heard a voice behind me, his voice

"I'm so happy" I gave him a big fake smile then again turned my back on him

He didn't say anything after this, he seemed too exhausted to. Which I was thankful for.

. . .

I avoided Charles successfully till there was boarding time. They checked my boarding pass and my passport, I found my seat, which was by the window and put my headphones on to ignore everyone around. I tried to rest a little so I leaned my head on the window. I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to get home.

. . .

And I did. I was destroyed from the flight, but I was happy to finally get up and go home. As soon as I got out from the airport I was ready to find myself a taxi. I couldn't find any near the exit I left through so I was walking around to find one. Instead I found Leclerc, or he found me? Who knows.

"I need you to do me a favor" He said, he seemed drunk again. Doesn't he feel awkward?

"You expect me to do you a favour?" I chuckled sarcastically

"Hm" He nodded

"What is it?" I rolled my eyes

He handed me his car keys "I want you to get me home, or yourself."

"What?" I couldn't believe what he just said

"Just park it somewhere and I'll pick it up, I don't care" He explained tiredly

"You seriously want me to drive your car? That car" I asked again, he has to be joking. If I was him I wouldn't borrow anyone my fucking Ferrari "you believe I won't kill you on purpose?"

"Look, I know you're not that stupid and I know you can drive, just get me home" He sighed

Should I really do it? Should I drive him home? Well it would help me as well because I wouldn't have to take a taxi. But I don't know if I want to spend another half an hour in a car with him.

That's it for today :( I'm exhausted and I need to study ...



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