chapter five

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y/n's point of view:

As soon as I got back to the hotel I took a shower and started to get ready for the dinner. I know it's not anything like a date especially when everyone else is gonna be there, Pierre just wanted me to go with him. Isa and Carlos are making a big deal out of it for nothing. But I can't say I don't like Pierre and I would definitely say yes if he wanted me to go on a date with him. But that's not happening and again...I'm not looking for a relationship. But I'm definitely not against a little hook up.

I was struggling to find something to wear. I haven't took much nice clothes in here because I wasn't expacting that. I'm not usually part of those events, just sometimes, but I think I should start joining more often. Especially if I'll piss Charles with it. He's even bigger asshole than he was last year, I guess it's the drinking. He should find a therapist, but I'm not the one to tell him. He'd probably punch me right in the face if I'd say this.

I was wearing only my robe while looking for what to wear, the only possible thing I brought was a short black dress. But I don't know if I should wear it. I wanted to try it on but someone knocked on my hotel room door. I put my robe back on and opened the door. It was Pierre, I wasn't really expecting him, he said he'll text me.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I chuckled nervously

"Well I couldn't reach out to you so I came to see if you're okay" He grinned, he was already dressed up

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry" I realised I fucked up, I didn't check my notifications at all "do you want to come inside? I'll be ready in three minutes"

"Sure, If you don't mind" He gave me a small smile, I just shook my head and let him in

"I'm sorry for the mess, it's always like this when I'm getting ready" I got back to the mirror I was putting my makeup on at and brushed my hair a little, because it looked kinda messy

"Are you gonna wear this?" Pierre asked picking up the dress that I put on the bed

"Yeah" I said unsurely "is it bad"

"No, I think it's gonna look amazing on you" He smirked a little

"Fine, we'll see. I got no other choice anyways" I said nervously, grabbing the dress and leaving to the bathroom to put it on

I checked myself in the bathroom mirror to see how it looked. It was okay, I've looked better. Anyways I got back to the room, where Pierre was sitting on my bed. I grabbed my purse "we can go" I informed him

His eyes went up from his phone that he was looking into and he scanned my whole body with a smirk on his face

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" I just chuckled nervously. But why the fuck should I be? 

We got out of the hotel going straight to a taxi Pierre ordered. We sat next to each other in the back but both of us were on the other side of the car.

"Are you excited for the dinner?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence in the car

"I am actually, I haven't talk to all of those people for four months, and I'm looking forward to" I chuckled

"Yeah, me too" He agreed

The rest of the ride was silent, but it was like 10 minutes till we got there. We actually came pretty late, but it wasn't my fault, the drive was longer than it was supposed to be. Everyone else was already there. So was Leclerc. I wasn't surprised to see him, but I'd expect him to be somewhere alone drinking alcohol than to be here, especially after not racing today. He was the first person I saw when we got into the restaurant and obviously he was the first one to see me. He scanned my whole body with resting face, it turned into a disgusted one after just a second and lastly he rolled his eyes. I also don't like to see you, dick. But I decided to ignore him tonight.

There were people that greeted me nicely, like Danny, Lando, Isa with Carlos or even Seb. I was so happy to see them all in one place again, most of the boys got their girlfriends with them. There was Luisa, Heidi, Elena or even Lily came with Alex. I felt kind of bad, but I was happy to see the girls, most of them I can call my friends I think. Actually Charles was the only one who came alone, if they didn't brought their girlfriends then they did brought friends, but he was here all alone. I didn't know if I was supposed to feel sorry or to just fuck it because he deserves it. I bet he firstly thought Pierre's gonna be there alone too, but he unluckily for Leclerc brought me with him. I actually felt sorry just for like one hundredth of a second. I hate him, he hates me and he would never feel sorry for me. Then why should I care? I said I'm gonna ignore him, so I will.

A little shorter today <3 



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