chapter twenty

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y/n's point of view:

After I got back to my room I was able to sleep for just one more hour. It was already dawning and all I could do after I woke up again was just to think about shit. I was also scared I'm gonna oversleep, since we're leaving the hotel at 1 o'clock and let's be honest, I'd be able to sleep till 5. Also I was scared to meet Leclerc in the morning and I kept thinking about it. I just know it's gonna feel different. We were a little more sober by that time on the balcony, but it was still something different. It was dark and I wasn't even able to see him in the face. I know that seeing him in the morning is gonna feel weird. He's gonna be back into his disgusting and mean behaviour and I'm not saying I want it to change. Just because this happened because of us being drunk as fuck doesn't mean we're gonna become friends now. I wouldn't be surprised if it would be even worse now. I cannot also say I remember everything, but I do remember a lots of what happened. And I don't really want to think about it anymore...

I decided to get up and take a shower, since I cannot sleep anymore. At least I'm gonna be productive. Since I feel like shit for sleeping with him at least I'll try and wash it off.

The first thing I saw after stood up in front of the mirror was kind of a huge bruise above my left breast. And I do remember perfectly how that happened, I just kinda forgot it till now. Pierre was calling me by that time and he bit me, what a bitch. I touched it gently to see if it's gonna hurt, it did burn just a little. However hiding this will be a big big problem for me. And I'm not really ready to explain how that anyone.

I took a shower and right after I felt more fresh and clean. The traces of his touch were finally gone and the only one that was left was the bruise. I think he didn't realise at the moment how much he actually bit me, but he was drunk so what could I expect. I made myself look like a nice woman. I blow dried my hair and made it a little wavy in the ends. I put makeup on while listening to some music and lastly I picked an outfit. I'd love to wear some of the dresses or tops I brought, but the bruise didn't let me. I didn't even bring a single hoodie, my whole suitcase was full of tops and dresses with deep necklines. So the only thing left for me was my red blazer I was about to wear to the race day, but I didn't. It's a set with shorts, it's weird to wear that on an airplane but it's pretty comfortable and at least it looks hot. I put a white top underneath and was ready to go to the breakfast since it started half an hour ago. I'm not expecting anyone to be there, everyone is either still wasted or tired and sleeping. But I'm not against eating alone.

But I was wrong for what I thought. There was already Pierre with Carlos. I definitely did not expect them to be here this early... unfortunately they both noticed me before I could change my mind and leave again. So I joined them.

"Hi" I said silently taking a seat

"Hi" Carlos yawned

"Hi,'s 7 o'clock and you look stunning" Pierre chuckled

"Well thank you, I couldn't sleep so I at least took care of myself" I explained

"And how did you sleep? I wasn't able to wake you up when I got back" He still had this worried look on his face. Ugh.

"It wasn't really a good sleep to be honest" I shrugged my shoulders. I got fucking flashbacks from fucking Leclerc. "but it did the job" I fake smiled

He nodded and Carlos got up "want me to bring you something?"

"Coffee please" I smiled

Carlos nodded and left the table

"I'm sorry, I was really worried about you" Pierre started "I mean if you would've told me you want to leave I would go with you, Charles also left God knows where so there wasn't a reason for me to stay"

When he said his name I couldn't help myself but to gulp and look down on the table nervously. It felt fucking awkward... "yeah," was all I was able to say "I'm sorry really"

"It's fine," He said calmly "as I said I was just worried"

"I get it" I nodded "hey, um...we're leaving the same way we got there?"

"Yeah, me, Esteban, you and Charles" Me and Charles. "plane to Paris then home"

"Okay" Another 24 hours with him. Fuck.

Carlos got back with my coffee and also brought me some pastry.

"Thank you so much" I smiled and started eating, but I wasn't able not to think about it again and again and again and again... I felt like everyone knew, even though no one had a clue. I just felt like they could see it on my face, that I slept with him...It would ruin everything if anyone finds out. It would ruin my reputation and I'd suddenly become a whore and one of those that didn't resist him. And that sounds awful.

I'm so sorry y'all I wasn't able to post yesterday, but I am here today. I'm omw to work and I'll be working tomorrow as well so I hope I'll be able to post. If not, I'm sorry in advance <3



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