chapter forty eight

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y/n's point of view:

I cancelled the pickup of the car as soon as I got home. I decided to sacrifice myself and drive it there myself, this way I'll be with Charles sooner. However I had to go and meet Charlotte, before I leave in the night. 

I got into her house because we decided to stay in since it's been raining the whole day. We prepared some food and talked.

"So when are you leaving for Italy?" She asked

"Today" I responded

"What?" She raised her brows "I wanted to go with you but I won't make it" 

"I need to, I was supposed to come on Saturday, but they need me there sooner" I lied

"Or does he?" She smirked

"Yeah, my boss" I chuckled "seriously"

"But since we started..." She started to smile "what about you two?"

"I don't know what you want to hear" I chuckled "nothing special"

"Seriously?" She rolled her eyes

"Yes, we just became friends" I lied again, for like a tenth time today

"Friends that fuck?" She giggled

"Who said we do that?" I laughed

"My sixth sense says that" She smirked

"Well, we're just friends" I shrugged my shoulders

"C'mon you just don't want to admit there's more"

She's right "No, I just like to keep things for myself"

"Oh my God, no way!" She opened her mouth wide open like she just saw a literal ghost

"What's wrong?" I didn't understand what's going on

"You do that when you're scared" She smiled "I remember you keeping Louis a secret for such a long time before you got official because you were scared things won't work out"

She's right and I fucked up with saying that. I always do it, I never tell anyone about this stuff when I actually want to have a serious relationship or when I'm planning something big, because I don't want to jinx it.

She saw me not knowing what to say "You won't lose him just because of telling me"

"How can you be so sure?" I felt my eyes starting to fill with tears

"Because there's no way he doesn't have any feelings towards you after what you told me that happened, plus I bet it's not all" She hugged me 

I sighed hugging her back realizing maybe I'll feel better if I tell her "It's not"

She pulled away "Then you got to spill the tea, baby"

I chuckled 

"Go on"

"Fine" I sighed again wiping the tears of my face trying to tell her the whole story as shortly as possible "the drunk sex it all started, then there was one again on the way back home from Saudi, he started to actually telling me about stuff he was going through and I was trying to help, but I still did hate him I just never leave people when they need help you know that"

She nodded listening to me carefully gesturing to go on

I remembered and smiled a little "We actually got stuck in an elevator together there and it felt weird but it was fun to rush to the airport together, also we kissed there"

"I knew just the first sex thing,so go on" She furrowed her brows

"Then nothing much just a few kisses, after I let him stay wasted in my room in Miami he asked me to go for food with him, so I did and we actually had so much fun, later he called it a 'date' when he was asked about the best date he's ever been on in truth or dare he said exactly this, and after it just went fucking down for me, I think I fell for him there, in Miami"

She started to smirk again "and now?"

"I stayed with him, he borrowed me his car and he keeps our picture in his wallet" I tried my best to not start blushing

"And if you will now try and tell me he's not in love your fucking blind and deaf" She laughed

"I know, it's just so hard to believe. At the beginning I didn't even want to see a couple and now? I would like to be in a couple"

"Do you have some pictures together?" She smiled like a baby

"We do, why?" I chuckled

"Show me some, I gotta start getting used to you two together" 

I got my phone out and I actually felt so proud showing her the little amount of pictures we just yet have together.

Short one, so sorry! I'm kind of busy these days...but I still hope this makes y'all happy!❤️



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