chapter thirty three

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y/n's point of view:

We enjoyed our breakfast. Or at least Isa did, I was the one suffering because she couldn't stop talking about Leclerc. But I still survived and we both arrived to the paddock just in time for me to go prepare boys for the first conference. Carlos was in the garage greeting us, hugging Isa immediately.

"So cute" I said ironically "where's Leclerc?"

Isa raised her brows and gave me that smirk when she pulled away from Carlos.

"In the dressing room, he was acting weird" Carlos said

I just groaned not knowing with what will I have to deal now. I made my way to the dressing room, knocking.

"Who's that?" He asked

"Your annoying PR manager" I answered expecting him to not open the door at this point, but he did

"What's up? I still have time before the interviews don't I?" He asked with a straight face, something was wrong. He wore his race suit half on.

"You do, but I came to ask what's wrong? Carlos said you were acting weird?" I got inside, closing the door behind me, locking the door so that he doesn't notice. I locked the door just because I want to talk to him in private, not to fuck him, just to make things clear.

"You care?" He scoffed

I rolled my eyes "what's going on? Did you have a bad sleep?"

"Not at all, I just feel like there's no reason for me to race today" He sat on the bench there and put his face in the palms of his hands.

"There is, you got high chances in earning some points" I said sitting next to him

"I'm starting from the 15th position," He gave me a cold stare

"So what? You can get to a 3rd place, stop underestimating yourself, Charles" I put my hand on his back stroking it "you can do it, really"

"You think so?" He looked at me again, now he was looking more calm

"I do" I smiled with the corner of my lips "it's all about what's in your head, you need to stay positive"

"Thanks" He sighed looking me in the eyes

"It's okay, I'm kind of getting used to helping you" I chuckled

He chuckled with me slightly without looking away. I was getting lost in his eyes trying to stop myself from looking at him, but it wasn't possible. He was getting closer putting his hand on the leap of my neck pulling me in for a kiss. Fuck, again? It wasn't even 24 hours since the last one. I couldn't help myself and I did start to kiss him back. He changed the position of his hands and put them on my hips pulling me to sit astride on his lap. I put my hand on his cheek and the other one I ran down his chest. He was so gentle with kissing and touching me, his hands were slowly going down my ass. There was something not letting me pull away, till my phone started ringing. "Fuck" I groaned getting up from his lap picking up the phone

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you already at the paddock?" It was my co-worker Peter

"Yes, why?" I asked again, I was kind of mean I don't deny it, but I was still confused from what just happened

"Need to meet you, I'll come to you just tell me where you are"

"Ferrari" I answered coldly "I'll see you, bye" I hang up immediately

"I gotta go" I informed Charles "I'll probably see you before the race again, but you got this, trust me or yourself"

He nodded giving me a small smile "bye"

"Bye" I unlocked the door and rushed outside the garages to wait for him

"Took you a while" Isa came to me smirking as always

"I got no time for your questions, Isa. I'm working, stop forgetting" I saw Peter in the distance so I made my way to him, to escape from her questions just for a few minutes

. . .

The interviews went smoothly and the race could begin. Everyone in the garage was focusing on Carlos mainly, because they knew he's got higher chances, I was probably the only one to watch how Leclerc is slowly getting up and suddenly he was stuck to Carlos' ass in the 6th place. Two laps after he's 4th and at the end of the race he makes it to the 3rd place we talked about before.
We could hear the comentators talk about Charles on the screen "That's Charles Leclerc back in form and we're happy to see him back on the podium!"
I couldn't help myself but hide a small smile behind my hand. Unfortunately Carlos didn't make it to the podium today, but there was at least Charles to be happy about.

"What did you do to him?" Isa looked me in the eyes like I just killed someone

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes chuckling

Charles got back to the garage after some time everyone was congratulating him, he actually stopped by me for a second too. That was fortunately when Isa has already gone somewhere.

"You did well, Leclerc" I gave him a small smile

"Thanks" He gave it back to me, this smile felt honest and I liked it and after he continued to the back of the garages.

It's late, I know and I know I said I'm going to sleep, Sthep, but I can't fall asleep so I'm finishing this haha❤️ anyways hope y'all liked this

Love and good night


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