chapter thirty

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y/n's point of view:

The days went by and it was already race day. Me and Charlotte were prepared to watch it while having breakfast since the race was at 7am our time. We were already sitting in the diner with Charlotte's laptop on the table and our breakfasts ready.

"How do you think it's gonna end?" Charlotte asked

"Leclerc DNF and Carlos is gonna be like 3rd" I guessed

"Why do you think he won't finish?" She chuckled

"Because he's a cunt" I said like I did not just insult him

"C'mon," She chuckled "you fucked him"

"Oh," I groaned "will you please shut up about it? I've heard it like hundred times since I told you"

"Just think about it" She looked at me with a serious stare in her eyes "is it really that bad that it happened?"

"It's disgusting," I said "everytime I remember it I feel like throwing up"

Just now his face was all over the notebook screen, he was furrowing, even when he looked into the camera. Such a positive person.

"You're acting like a child" She laughed "get over it, I bet he's not acting like this about it"

"I don't care," I shrugged my shoulders "I just don't know what I was thinking when I let him"

"Clearly there's something deep down inside you that doesn't hate him like that" She smiled kindly

"I hate him with every inch of my body, my left breast the most" I tried to not be so serious about it for once

She just gave me a questioning amused look

"That bitch bit me" I confessed

"Ohh, so it was wild!" She smirked

"No, he's just an idiot" I chuckled "let's just watch the race"

She nodded and we got all into the race while enjoying our breakfast. It wouldn't be Charlotte if she didn't just took a picture of me while eating and watching. However the race didn't even start and as I was expecting Charles was out in the third lap.

"Oh, he's insane" I groaned "I was joking I didn't know he will seriously fuck it up"

"You predicted it" She rolled her eyes

There was a footage of him getting out of his car, he was obviously pissed or sad, I couldn't tell really. But I was proved about him being sad once he arrived in the garage, the cameras were on him and he was actually crying. I felt sorry for him for quarter of a second actually. But I looked away and tried to ignore it and eat.

Carlos ended up second right after Lewis. I was happy about him and sent him a text congratulating him.

. . .

Two days later we got back to Monaco, my holidays were over and I needed to get ready for Miami GP. I had to be there and I cannot avoid Leclerc any longer.

To Miami we're travelling by a private jet with few of the drivers, including him of course. And Pierre as well. I hate when I get into a situation where there is both of them. When we were all seated, Pierre couldn't help himself and sat next to me of course. However with Carlos and Isa in front of us and Leclerc with the rest of the group were next to us. Before the take off Pierre was looking at some instagram posts including Charlotte's recap of our holidays together. He didn't seem very happy when he saw a video of us having fun with the two boys.

"Who are they?" He asked

"Some strangers, they joined us while having dinner" I shrugged my shoulders

"Oh" He raised his brows "so you..?"

"What? Fucked?" I chuckled ironically "not interested, thank you"

"Fine" He sighed

His obsession over me having someone else is making me sick. We're nothing, but he just doesn't seem to understand that. For some reason I caught Leclerc staring over at me with the same look that Pierre has. What the hell is wrong with those two?

Hi, this is all I'm gonna give you today and that's just because I have no strenght right now to write more, it's currently almost 11pm where I am at and I need some rest. However I feel like I owe y'all an apology, since I noticed not everyone has seen the message on my board. So I am sorry for not posting these past few weeks, I had some work to do and also something I was dealing with five years ago suddenly came back to me. I was on antidepressants for the whole 5 years and I headlessly quit that treatment thinking I am fine, but after two months it appeared to be even worse than it was. I'm not sharing this story with you because I want you to feel sorry for me or anything like this, but I just want you to understand that it is hard for me to focus on anything besides my mentall illnes right now, it's haunting me, but I'm trying to get better again ASAP. I'm curently on a vacation hoping some vitamine D will help me as well and also I realised that the lying on the beach the whole day could be used for writing something and making my brain occupied would be useful. So I'll try my best, but I cannot promise anything, I unfortunatelly cannot really control what's going on with me. But I got back on the antidepressants, hoping to get better soon.

Thank you for understanding


A. ❤️

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