chapter nine

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y/n's point of view:

Most of the time I was talking to the bartender and ignoring Leclerc. I already got a little amount of alcohol in my blood, but I felt just fine. A little more talkative, but fine. Or at least I think.

"You know Leclerc, you're such an asshole" I said out of nowhere sitting closer to him, but I was still like 2 chairs away

"You're also not a saint, y/l/n" He chuckled

"But like seriously, I liked you" I took a sip from my drink before I could continue, but he already looked a bit surprised

"You liked me?" He raised his brows

"Before I fucking got to know you, Leclerc" I clarified "I thought you'll be the sweetest fucking person on Earth, but you proved me fucking wrong"

"Well, sorry" He shrugged his shoulders

I was just looking at him in amusement, he's fucking heartless "I saved your fucking ass and you did not even say thank you" I watched him move from his seat to the one right next to mine "what are you doing here?"

"Getting closer so that you can continue to bitch out me without waking the whole airplane" He chuckled, not showing any trace of feeling sorry

"Am I yelling?" I looked at the bartender, I was absolutely clueless about my behaviour

The bartender nodded smirking, I couldn't help myself to have another comment

"You're fucking handsome" I told him, watching him charmed

"Hey" Charles held my chin making me look his way

"Are you touching me?" I needed to make sure so I grabbed his hand "ew, gross"

"Shut up," He didn't let me get from his grip, his eyes were looking in mine for a little too long "I think I'll have to tell Pierre about how you're behaving"

"Oh I'm scared, Leclerc" I started to laugh, it seemed funny to me how he thought that i'll stop

"She's got a boyfriend?" The bartender asked, Charles finally let my chin, but he nodded

"I do not" I said immediately "don't listen to him, he's a shit talking bitch and I do not have a boyfriend" I looked at Charles that was just sipping his drink "and so don't you, Leclerc, you're single, because you're an asshole" I had to remind him about this

"Then who's Pierre?" The bartender asked again, he's such a gossip boy

"Definitely not my boyfriend, I slept with him, that's true but just because he's a nice looking guy" I admitted, I'm a little too open to these two

I saw Charles roll his eyes in the corner on my eye "you're insane"

"Okay, yeah. I'm insane, but you're the same, Leclerc" I leaned my hand on the bar, looking at him

He didn't even look at me, he was facing the wall behind the bartender, not saying anything.

"Hey you two drank half of my supplies, I need to get some" The bartender got from behind the bar "I'll trust you and leave you here for a moment, don't steal" He chuckled

"Don't worry, babe" I chuckled his way and after he left I faced Leclerc again "so what is your problem with me?"

"You just always try to be so perfect and I hate it" He said simply giving me a side smile

"That's such a fucking bullshit" I chuckled "you're just so fucking complexed that there's nothing else for you than to ju-"

My drunk ass was too slow to stop what already happened, his lips were pressed against mine. If I was sober, this wouldn't happen at all, but I didn't even realise he's getting closer. But not only that this happened, his lips started moving against mine and I couldn't help myself but to do the same. It was so slow but so fast at the same time. My hands were still in the same place I left them in, only his one hand was placed under my chin and we were kissing. I got back into the reality after I heard a quiet chuckle. The bartender was back behind the bar and he was amusedly watching us.

"I left you here for few minutes and this happens?" He chuckled again "you two are seriously insane"

I was looking at him with my mouth open "I- I think I just sobered up"

"Here you go, I was prepared" He has put a drink on the bar in-front of me

I drank it down immediately I didn't even need to ask what was inside.

"Last few months I only drown myself in alcohol," Charles raised his glass looking at it, it was already empty "that shit never helps at all, it's even worse, I see"

"I agree, you should fucking stop" I nodded and looked back at the bartender "wait how long have you been standing here?"

"You two were making out for literally like three minutes so yeah the whole time" He said chuckling

Three minutes? That's a lot. I need to throw up. "I'm leaving" I got up from the bar chair

Leclerc nor the bartender weren't trying to talk me out of it. I left into my suite and closed myself in there. I was still in a fucking shock. This is awkward and it shouldn't've happened at all. I think the only thing that would make me feel calm at the moment, would be this plane crashing.



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