chapter forty five

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Charles' point of view:

I couldn't stop looking at her. Thank God it wasn't me driving the car, or I'd definitely drive through the red light she just stopped at. I would never think that I'd actually enjoy spending time with her, watching her, not getting enough of her.  I'm happy things between us finally turned out this way, but there was always something between us, I just wasn't able to admit it to myself. Because of Charlotte, but also because of everyone being so obsessed with her. I just didn't want to be the same.

"I think that all along there was this invisible string tying you to me" I chuckled silently

"You think so?" She asked smiling

"I know so, actually" I smiled back at her, putting my hand on her cheek giving her a little kiss

She prolonged the kiss, I felt her smiling into it which made me smile as well until some idiot behind us started honking.

"Ugh" She groaned starting the car again "idiot"

I laughed at her getting annoyed over him interrupting us.

. . .

We got home and made some pancakes right away. We both were starving and pancakes was the only thing we were managing to cook with the stuff I had in my fridge. But y/n made amazing pancakes.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked "aren't u tired from the plane?"

"I am, actually" She chuckled "we can get a shower and then lay down? And we can do something more exciting later, don't you mind?"

"I don't mind, don't worry" I smiled "I enjoy doing anything with you"

"I noticed" She smirked

She made me fucking blush "shh"

She started to laugh a little "but I like it"

"I know you do"

"What if I go to the store to buy some snacks? And in the meanwhile you can take a shower and find a movie?" She smirked excitedly

"Shower? Alone?" I scoffed ironically

She laughed "We can enjoy this stuff together later, okay?" She got up and gave me a kiss

I smiled happily "Okay, are you going now?"

She nodded

"Okay, but I'll give you my card" I got up with her

"What? No." She turned around to face me immediately "I'm not your daughter so that you have to give me money"

"I don't want you to pay for anything" I said

"I want to pay for that" She said "I don't want money from you"

"Wow" I chuckled "no one has ever told me this"

That's true, I didn't mean to offend her, but I don't want her to pay for anything. Also yea, no one has ever told me this, a girl never hesitated to take my credit card.

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