chapter eight

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y/n's point of view:

We all got to the airport on time just to find out our flight got delayed by six hours. So I made it through a ride with Charles just to spend next twenty hours with him. Can this get any better? Except the fact that I know Isa is gonna bother me with questions about Pierre for the next day. What have I done to deserve this? For my bad luck it's only four of us travelling with the same plane.

It's only 1 o'clock and we all haven't eaten anything for lunch just yet. Isa got an amazing idea that we all should go to get something to eat. And it's either me or him who seperates from the group and I'd be actually glad for some time alone.

"Y'all should go, I'll find some place quiet for me to get some work done" I got up at the same time as they all did

"Why? You should come with us" Carlos said

"I'm not hungry and I need to get it all done either way so, y'all have fun" I got all of my stuff and went to the nearest lounge to hide in. The only thing I was glad about was that no one was persuading me to stay and eat with them. Leclerc's face just pisses me of and I wouldn't even be able to enjoy my food while sitting by a table with him. And I definitely was hungry so before I got into the lounge I bought something to eat and drink as well. I enjoyed the food all by myself, watching a movie and the lounge was almost empty.

In the next two hours I got all of my work done so I decided to call Charlotte like I promised her yesterday night. I called her on face time.

"Hii," She picked up within few seconds "where are you?"

"Hi, I'm at the airport, our flight got delayed" I sighed "I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier, I was in a rush to get here and then I found out so it all got messy"

"Oh, I'm sorry...that sucks" She said apologetically "who are you there with?"

"I'm currently alone, thank God" I chuckled "but Isa, Carlos and Leclerc are travelling with me if you're asking me this" I answered annoyed

"Lucky you" She laughed "but tell me what happened to him on the race day? You didn't tell me yesterday, you had to go"

"He got drunk and I saved his ass" I said simply "he's a stupid idiot"

Charlotte rolled her eyes "so you see why I broke up with him?"

"Babe, you know I saw millions of reasons before" I laughed quietly

"Yeah I know" She sighed "I'm sorry"

"No need to be" I smiled "what are your plans for today?"

"Nothing much, really...So we won't see each other tomorrow I guess" She chuckled

"No, I'm sorry because tomorrow I'll be in London trying to figure out how to get home since I kind of can't make it in time to get onto the next airplane" I laughed

"It's gonna be fine, I hope you'll be able to catch not fully booked flight after you arrive"

"Well thank you, I hope there won't be any more free space for Leclerc" I rolled my eyes

"I highly doubt that" She laughed "you know how lucky you are"

We talked for a bit till Isa started messaging me and calling me to find out where I am. I decided to pick it up after some time.


"Where are you? We're looking for you"

"I'm in a lounge, why are you looking for me is the plane already here?" I asked

"No, just wanted to know" She answered

"Well okay, I'm still working" I lied, I just wanted to be alone

"Okay, I'll let you know if anything changes, bye"


. . .

I spent another hour in the lounge alone, watching a movie.. Till they all came, I didn't notice them until someone took my headphones off, it was Isa surprisingly.

"We came to disturb you" She smiled proudly

"Perfect" I gave her a fake smile "what did you eat?"

"We all had some pasta" She responded with a smile again "did you eat?"

"I did" I nodded

"Two hours left, yay" She cheered

We did survive in the lounge together, I finished the movie I was watching Isa and Carlos were talking and Charles was minding his own business listening to music. It was a nice time, because I didn't need to talk to him. We began to board on the airplane when there was no sun up already. We got seated all pretty close together, but closest to me there was Isa. We all had those first class seats where you can make them into a bed and you can actually close the area for your privacy, we just knew it wouldn't be too comfortable to travel in the economy class. But the plane was obviously still not prepared to depart because we still got to wait after boarding.

The plane finally took off when the sky was already full of bright starts and after serving some food and drinks they told us to have a good sleep and put all the lights down. But I was definitely not sleepy. One would say I need to be after spending a whole day at the airport without enough comfort, but I was awake like never. Also I just can't sleep on an aircraft. On the other hand Isa and Carlos fell asleep immediately. I decided to put my headphones on to listen to some music, because it usually helps me to calm down and fall asleep, but it didn't. I was doing anything to make myself sleepy, I was even reading some things about this aircraft that were placed in my suite, but I couldn't fall asleep. The last option for me was the bar I found out is placed somewhere in this aircraft. I'll get a few drinks and maybe it will help me fall asleep.

When I arrived at the place where the bar was, I was amazed. It look so luxurious I felt embarrassed to show up in my sweatpants and a t-shirt on even though there was no one else, then this handsome steward / bartender. I guess I'll stay a while.

"What can I get for you, gorgeous?" He immediately gave me a smirk

"Espresso Martini" I couldn't help myself but smile "and your phone number"

"Okay" He chuckled "I'll get you both, but I gotta keep it professional now, but I'll make sure to find you once we arrive"

I just nodded in understanding him and I sat by the small bar there.

"And you're still gonna say you're not a whore" I heard a familiar ironic awful annoying chuckle

I looked over the bartender to see Leclerc on the other side of the bar "you're everywhere near alcohol, huh?"

"You better shut up, you're the same" He chuckled finishing his drink, he looked a little drunk already

I just nodded hoping he'll be quiet when I am. And I'm not like him, there's no need to start arguments. I'd have to kick him out of the plane.

There will maybe be another one today 🤫❤️



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