Family Pride

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• Serena Black •

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• Serena Black •

"Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike."

Serena's father laughed as she lost her balance on landing, stumbled and promptly landed on the cobblestones. "Are you OK?" he asked, amused, as he patted some dust off her jeans.

Sighing, she nodded, for she was beginning to find apparating not as great as it had been at first. They were now in a small square in front of numerous dirty house fronts that didn't look very inviting. Serena couldn't help but wonder what on Merlin's beard they were doing there.

"Here," her father murmured, digging a small torn sheet of parchment out of his dark blue cloak. "Try to memorise the words."

"The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is at number 12 Grimmauld Place, London."

"Order of the Phoenix?" asked Serena in confusion, trying to burn what had been written into her memory. "What is that?"

"Shht, I'll explain when we get there," he replied, meanwhile letting the sheet of parchment burst into flames. "Just remember what you have memorised."

Concentrating, she closed her eyes and repeated the words of the destroyed parchment over and over in her mind. When she blinked back into the light, she thought at first that her eyes must be playing tricks on her. Directly in front of the Gryffindor was now another house that she was sure had not been there before.

"My parents' house."

Serena frowned. "And why are we here?"

"Because unfortunately..." he continued, but in a tone that was not really regretful. "My parents are dead and so I am the heir to this house. But you will find out the exact reason why we are here in the next few days."

The Gryffindor merely nodded and left any further questions, especially those about the supposed order, for the moment. In any case, she was far too curious about what would await her inside the house.

"Would you like to meet your grandmother?" her father then asked with an amused smirk on his lips as they passed the squeaky front gate of the front garden. "I don't know why you would want to, but you can if you want to."

"I thought she was dead?" asked Serena in confusion as she tried not to get caught on the worn stone steps of the battered entrance and trip another time.

"Yes, but there is a painting of her in the entrance hall. It talks and acts just like her. Quite creepy actually. Quite amusing, though, as she can't do much from there," he explained to her with a grin, tapping his wand once against the door, which creaked open in response.

Serena Black || 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒂Where stories live. Discover now