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Nana beams as you approach her. (+2 Nana points) "Hello, darling. Forgive me, but I'm not sure I caught your name."

"Y/n." You reply with a smile.

"My, you are a lovely girl." Nana tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. She's a small, African-American lady, with short, tightly curled white hair, a very freckled face, and the warmest eyes and smile you've ever seen.

"What do you like to go by?" You ask her.

"Just call me Nana, sweetheart. I've been called Margaret before, but that time is long gone." She smiles and shakes her head. "My son is Harvey, who you must've met on the way in."

"I did." You reply. "It's extremely kind of him to allow us to stay here."

"Ah," Nana swats a hand in the air. "No problem. No problem at all, I assure you that he'll let you earn your keep." She laughs. "Long as you're willing to help work, rest assured you're welcome to stay. Harvey's a worker, that he is. Works his part and more. That's the only thing about him. He don't have a lazy bone in his body, and don't tolerate anyone who does."

"I'm more than willing to help out with whatever's needed." You respond sincerely.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Don't let me keep you any longer, you go talk to some of 'em younger folk." She smiles, as she shoos you away.

Who will you talk to next?

Oliver - 17
Carter - 18
Violet - 19

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