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If you have two or more Violet points, go to 38. If not, keep reading.

"Violet!" You gasp. She's now on the ground, as everyone else fights back zombies.

"Take my bracelet!" She cries.

"What? No, we can-" you start, as you shoot at a zombie.

Violet lifts up her bloody shirt sleeve, to reveal a bite mark. "Take mine and Emily's," She sobs. "Then shoot me!"

You freeze, as Harvey runs up behind you. He freezes momentarily, before killing the rapidly approaching zombie. Honoring her last wish, you take the bracelet.

"Please give it to someone you love and trust." She cries softly. "I know it's cliché, but I didn't really expect to die at 17, so I want to be remembered. You know?"

You nod your head, as you hold back tears. You put Violet and Emily's bracelets on next to your matching one.

"Shoot me now!" Violet begs and sobs. "Before it's too late."

"I can't!" You sob back at her.

"Harvey, please." She implores him. "I can't hurt you all."

Harvey plasters a grim look on his face, presses his gun to her heart, turns his face, and shoots. You scream and swear, wondering why this had to happen to her. You're almost positive you see Harvey wipe away a tear.

After the last few zombies are killed, everyone returns ato the shed, and Violet is buried under an oak tree, and stones are laid around her grave. You think about looking for Violets to plant here someday.

Afterwards, everyone retires to the shed.

Go to 40

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now