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You decide to let Harvey help Violet, and begin fighting zombies around you.

One charges toward you from the right, and you shoot it in the head with a gun, while holding your knife out for it to run into.

I'm starting to get the hang of this.

Just in the nick of time, too. Two more zombies charge you, but you shoot them back, until a teammate sneaks up behind it, and stabs it in the back.

You look over to where Violet and Harvey are, just in time to see Harvey shoot her.

"NO!" You scream, as you sprint towards them.

You think you see Harvey brush away a tear, as he picks up her body, and begins walking to the shed.

"What the hell was that?!" You cry. "Why did you do that?!"

"She asked me to." Harvey responds gravely. "She was bitten." He holds up her arm so you can see for yourself.

"She told me to give this to you." He continues. "Something about matching bracelets she gave you ten years ago, and to keep them safe until you find someone you love and trust to give them to. She also mentioned something about an Emily."

"Emily, Violet and I's matching bracelets," you say, holding back tears. "Thank you." you mumble, not looking at him.

After the last few zombies are killed, everyone returns ato the shed, and Violet is buried under an oak tree, and stones are laid around her grave. You think about looking for Violets to plant here someday.

Afterwards, everyone retires to the shed.

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Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now